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Climate Change Task Force

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Climate Change Task Force

In January 2019, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued Executive Order 2019-003 on Climate Change and Waste Prevention, which created the state Interagency Climate Change Task Force (Task Force) and included directives for agencies to incorporate climate mitigation and adaptation practices into their policies and operations.

ECMD’s Climate Bureau supports the Task Force through coordination, technical assistance, planning, and policy development. The bureau supports interagency work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, transportation, industry, the built environment, and natural and working lands. Reducing these emissions contributes to climate change mitigation.

The bureau also coordinates interagency efforts to integrate adaptation and resilience practices to:

  • (a) ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of New Mexico and its infrastructure and resources;
  • (b) prepare the state for climate change;
  • (c) reduce the vulnerability of natural and built systems, economic sectors, natural resources, and communities to risks;
  • (d) promote long-term water and energy resource security; and
  • (e) support state economic development and diversification.

More information about the Climate Change Task Force, state climate action, and updates about opportunities for community and stakeholder engagement can be found at