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Firewise USA®


Wildfire can happen at any time. It’s important for New Mexico residents living near natural areas, known as the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), to be prepared before a fire happens. Individuals can take steps to make their property and neighborhood safer from wildfire.

Most human-caused fires are accidental and related to careless disposal of hot coals, ashes, cigarettes, or sparks from equipment. According to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), between 87 and 96 percent of wildfires are caused by people.

The national Firewise USA® recognition program provides resources to help homeowners learn how to adapt to living with wildfire. The collaborative approach encourages neighbors to work together on a local level to prevent loss of property and save lives.


Learn more about the Firewise USA® program

Firewise USA® is administered by NFPA® and is co-sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. While the NFPA® administers this program, individuals and communities participate on a voluntary basis. The NFPA® disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from participation in the Firewise USA® program. The NFPA® also makes no guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of program guidance.

As administrators of this national program, the NFPA® may use the information provided by communities in a variety of ways, including research, to obtain risk reduction success stories, and to provide value-added benefits to participants through its work with private sector entities. Please see our Privacy Policy for additional information.

See more information on NFPA® codes, standards, and other documents.

The Firewise USA® program is co-sponsored by the USDA Forest Service, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the National Association of State Foresters.

Forest Service was produced in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, NFPA is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, write to: USDA – Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20250-9410, or call toll free voice +1 866 632-9992, TDD +1 800 877-8339, or voice relay +1 866 377-8642. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.