Incident Qualification System (IQS)
Incident Qualifications System
Firefighter training qualifications are tracked through IQSweb software that allows users to track incident qualifications, experience, tasks books, and fitness levels for individuals at various organizational levels in an agency. IQSweb is also useful to analyze organizational training needs and schedule training for incident management personnel. The Forestry Division is the state host for IQSweb and users throughout the state are registered through their incident response organization.
How to register your organization to use IQSweb
- Your organization must be an incident responder within the State of New Mexico. We cannot provide registrations to organizations not supporting the State of New Mexico.
- Download and fill out the registration form located here. Only authorized representatives within your organization can endorse the registration form. The Forestry Division will make final determination of who qualifies as authorized.
- Once your organization’s registration has been accepted you will be contacted by the Forestry Division with your organization’s login credentials.
- If your organization is currently using earlier versions of the IQSv6 or IQSweb systems, please indicate this on your registration form. Transfer of your existing IQS data may be possible but is not guaranteed.
- Training on IQSweb may be available. Please indicate on your registration form if training is needed.