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Inspection Criteria

LEVEL VI Vehicle Inspection Standards*

Prior to dispatch from a DOE generator site, all WIPP vehicles must be defect-free. These vehicles will be held to a higher standard than all other commercial shipments of hazardous materials. All vehicles traveling in the United States must meet the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) North American Standard. The CVSA has developed the LEVEL VI North American Standard that will be applied to WIPP shipments. The LEVEL VI North American Standard demands that the WIPP vehicle be DEFECT-FREE before it can depart or continue transport of radioactive wastes. In addition to being inspected before departure, the WIPP vehicles will be inspected periodically along the route by state inspectors that have been specially trained in the enhanced procedures.

The table below identifies minimum standards and out-of-service criteria established for commercial vehicles. The North American Uniform (NAU) Standards were established by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), an association of state, provincial and federal officials responsible for the administration and enforcement of motor carrier safety laws in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Every jurisdiction in North America has adopted and enforces the NAU standards for commercial vehicles. The standardization of the inspection criteria for commercial vehicles promotes safe and efficiency in the transportation of goods throughout North America. When a commercial vehicle enters a new jurisdiction and an inspector sees a recent CVSA NAU decal, they know that vehicle has met CVSA’s inspection standards.

The LEVEL VI North American Uniform Inspection Procedures and Out-of-Service Criteria identified here are part of a program developed by CVSA for the U.S. Department of Energy. The LEVEL VI standards are to be used only by inspectors trained in the LEVEL VI NAU Inspection Procedures and are used only on designated shipments (e.g., WIPP shipments) approved by the Department of Energy. They are not part of CFR 49 Federal Regulations, but DOE has agreed to abide by this strict criteria to promote the safety of radioactive shipments. If a WIPP shipment does not meet one of the criteria below, it will be placed out-of-service until the defect is corrected.

Comparison of Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance North American Uniform Driver Out-of-Service Criteria and LEVEL VI North American Uniform Driver Out-of-Service Criteria



Radiation Inspection Not required Complete radiological inspection performed. The vehicle will be placed out of service if it exceeds DOT-established radiation limits.
Driver must provide:  Operator’s License, Medical Certificate, Vehicle Registration, Log Books, Permits, Shipping Papers, Written Route Plan, Training Certificate, Driver/Vehicle Daily Inspection Report and DOT Hazardous Materials Registration. Required Required

PART I. DRIVER INSPECTION STANDARDS (Also see WIPP Driver Qualification Criteria)

Policy Statement

The purpose of Part I is to identify violations that render the commercial motor vehicle operator unqualified to drive or out-or-service. The necessity for all enforcement personnel to implement and adhere to these standards is: a matter of law; perceived as necessary by the society we are charged with protecting; and are a professional obligation if substantial enhancement in the safety of commercial motor vehicle operators is to be achieved.

Except where state, provincial or federal laws preclude enforcement of a named item, motor carrier safety enforcement personnel and their jurisdictions shall comply with these driver out-of-service violation standards.

Out-of-Service Violation: Violation under this category preclude enforcement of a named item, motor carrier safety enforcement personnel and their jurisdictions shall comply with these driver out-of-service violation standards.

Enhanced Policy Statement: In addition to the North American Uniform Driver Out-of-Service Criteria Policy Statement, the purpose of this part is to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of transuranic, spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. As such, the operators of commercial motor vehicles involved in this type of transportation play a critical role toward ensuring public safety. The violations listed as out-of-service in this part preclude further operation of a commercial motor vehicle by its driver for a specified period of time or, for some violations, until a required condition is met.

The enhanced inspection and out-of-service criteria listed in this part are to be used only by inspectors trained in the Enhanced NAU inspection Procedures and used only on designated shipments approved by the Department of Energy.


Driver Age Out-of-service violation if not at least 21 years old, unless exempt. Out-of-service violation if not at least 21 years old; no exemption.
Operator’s/Chauffeur’s License or Permit Out-of-service violation if driver does not possess license appropriate for type of vehicle. Same as NAU
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) a.  Out-of-service violation if valid CDL not in drivers possession. Same as NAU
b.  Out-of-service violation if a learners permit is not accompanied by holder of a valid CDL. Not applicable.
c.  Out-of-service violation if operating without proper endorsements or in violation of restrictions NAU applies
d.  Out-of-service violation if driver does not proper class of license for vehicle being operated. NAU applies.
Driver Waiver
a.  Waiver of Physical Disqualification.
Out-of-service violation if no waiver in possession, when required. NAU applies
b.  Medical Examiner’s Certificate Out-of-service violation if operating without corrective lenses or hearing aid, as required. Out-of-service violation if Medical Examiner’s Certificate absent or not current.
Sickness or Fatigue Out-of-service violation when so impaired driver should not continue trip NAU applies
Driver Disqualification Out-of-service violation under the provision of regulations until re-qualification is established. NAU applies
Drug or Other Substances; As Identified
a.  Possession
Out-of-service violation for 24 hours if in possession NAU applies
b.  Under the influence Out-of-service violation for 24 hours if probable cause for under the influence. NAU applies
Intoxicating Beverages

Out-of-service violation for 24 hours if under the influence, consumes an intoxicating beverage regardless of its alcohol content, or have any measured concentration or any detected presence of alcohol while on duty, or operating or in physical control of a motor vehicle.

Out-of-service violation for 24 hours if on duty or operating a motor vehicle while the driver possesses an intoxicating beverage, regardless of alcohol content.

NAU applies
Driver’s Record of Duty Status

Out-of-service violation:

for eight ours if driving more than 10 hours following eight consecutive hours off duty;

for eight hours if driving for any period after having been on duty 15 hours following 8 consecutive hours off duty;

until eligibility reestablished if driving after being on duty more than 60 hours in 7 consecutive days or 70 hours in 8 consecutive days;

for eight hours if no record of duty status is in possession;

for eight hours if failed to have duty status record for 7 previous days in possession; and

for eight hours if record of duty status does not accurately reflect the driver’s actual activities and duty in an apparent attempt to conceal violation of hours of service limitations.

NAU applies
Training Certificate
Driver must possess a current certificate that provides name, operators license number, date of training, name and address of trainer, statement of trainer that certificate information is correct, and that driver has been trained in the hazards and characteristics of highway-route controlled quantities.
Not required Out-of-service violation if training incomplete or absent.
Driver/Vehicle Daily Inspection Report
Driver must possess a legible copy of the last driver/vehicle daily inspect report.
Not required Required
Personal Dosimetry
Driver must have personal radiation measurement devise.
Not required Required

Part II. Vehicle Inspection

Policy Statement

The purpose of this part is to identify critical vehicle inspection items and provide criteria for placing vehicles out-of-service subsequent to a safety inspection.

NOTE: Decal Qualification: Each vehicle must “pass” inspection to qualify for a decal. “Pass Inspection” means that no violations/defects are found of the vehicle inspection items contained in the definitions of Level I and Level V inspections. Said definitions of Level I and Level V inspections can be fount in Article XVIII of the CVSA Bylaws. For the purpose of decal issuance, if no violation is detected during a Level I or Level V inspection due to a hidden part, which includes the vehicle inspection items listed in the definitions, a decal shall be applied.

OUT-OF-SERVICE: Authorized personnel shall declare and mark “out of service” any motor vehicle which by reason of its mechanical condition or loading would be likely to cause an accident or breakdown. An “Out of Service Vehicle” sticker shall be used to mark vehicles “out of service.” No motor carrier shall require nor shall any person operate any commercial motor vehicle declared and marked “out of service” until all repairs required by the “out of service notice” have been satisfactorily completed.

No person shall remove the “Out of Service Vehicle” sticker from any motor vehicle prior to completion of all repairs required by the “out of service notice.”

Violations, other than out-of-service conditions, detected during the inspection process will not preclude the completion of the current trip or dispatch. However, such violations must be corrected or repaired prior to re-dispatch.

Enhanced Policy Statement: The enhanced out-of-service criteria listed in this part are to be used only be inspectors trained in the Enhanced NAU Inspection Procedures and used only on designated shipments approved by the Department of Energy.



1.  Brake System
a.  Defective Brakes
Out-of-service violation if 20% or more of the brakes on the vehicle or combination are defective including the following: Out-of-service violation if ANY single brake meets the definition of defective under the NAU.
1.  absence of effective brake action; Out of service violation if absence of any effective braking action on ANY drive or trailer axle.
2.  missing or broken mechanical components; Out of service violation if ANY missing, broken or INOPERATIVE mechanical components.
3.  loose brake components; NAU applies on ANY brake; 20% criterion does not apply.
4.  audible air leak at brake chamber; Out-of-service violation if ANY audible air leak; air loss rate NOT required; 20% criterion does not apply.
5.  exceeding brake adjustment limits as specified Out-of-service if any brake exceed specifications; 20% criterion does not apply.
6.  brake linings or pads (except on power unit steering axles) that are cracked, loose or missing, contain evidence of oil seepage, or are worn; NAU applies on ANY brake; 20% criterion does not apply.
7.  brake missing on any axle required to have brakes. NAU applies on ANY brake; 20% criterion does not apply.
8. Not required for NAU. Out-of-service if there is a mismatch across any axle of air chamber size or slack adjuster length.
b.  Steering Axle Brakes

In addition to being included in the 20% criterion of defective brakes above, an out-of-service violation occurs if:

1.  absence of braking action;
2.  mismatch across any axle of air chamber size or slack adjuster on power unit;
3.  linings or pads on power unit are cracked, loose or missing, contain evidence of oil seepage, or are worn.

Out-of-service violation if ANY brakes on the steering axle are defective.
c.  Parking Brakes Out-of-service violation if inoperable or contain non-manufactured holes or cracks in spring brake housing.

NAU applies

In addition, out-of-service violation if any parking brake on the vehicle or combination not applied upon actuation of the parking brake.

d.  Brake Drums or Rotors (disc)

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  drums have external crack or cracks that open upon brake application; or
2.  any portion of drum or rotor missing or in danger of falling away;

NAU applies, except for 1, where out-of-service violation if drums have any external crack.
e.  Brake Hose

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  hose has any damage extending through the outer reinforcement ply;
2.  has bulge/swelling when air pressure is applied;
3.  with audible lead at other than a proper connection;
4.  two hoses improperly joined; or
5.  air hose cracked, broken or crimped.

NAU applies, except for 3, out-of-service violation if ANY audible leak.
f.  Brake Tubing

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  tubing with an audible lead at other than proper connection; or
2.  tubing cracked, damage, broken or crimped.

NAU applies, except for 1, where there is an out-of-service violation if ANY tubing or connection has an audible leak.
g.  Low Pressure Warning Device Out-of-service violation if devise is missing, inoperative or does not operate at appropriate pressure. NAU applies
h.  Air Loss Rate

Out-of-service violation if an air leak is discovered and the reservoir pressure is not maintained when:

1.  governor is cut-in;
2.  reservoir pressure is between 80 and 90 psi;
3.  engine is idle; and
4.  service brakes are fully applied.

NAU applies
i.  Tractor-Protection Out-of-service violation if inoperable or missing tractor protection valves on power unit. NAU applies
j. Air Reservoir Out-of-service violation if separated from its original attachment points. NAU applies
k.  Air Compressor

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  mounting bolts are loose;
2.  cracked, broken or loose pulley; or
3.  cracked or broken mounting brackets, braces or adapters.

NAU applies, except for 3, where an out-of-service violation occurs if cracked, broken, MISSING or LOOSE mounting BOLTS, brackets, braces or adapters.
l.  Electric Brakes

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  Absence of braking action on 20% or more of the braked wheels of a vehicle or combination of vehicles; or
2.  Missing or inoperable breakaway braking devise.

NAU applies, except for 1, where an out-of-service violation occurs if there is an absence of braking action on ANY of the braked wheels of a vehicle or combination of vehicles.
m.  Hydraulic Brakes

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  no pedal reserve with engine running;
2.  master cylinder less than 1/4 full;
3.  power assist unit fails to operate;
4.  seeping or swelling brake hose under application of pressure;
5.  missing or inoperable breakaway braking device;
6.  hydraulic hose(s) abraded (chafed) through outer cover-to-fabric layer;
7.  fluid lines or connections restricted, crimped, cracked or broken;
8.  any visually observed leaking hydraulic fluid in the brake system upon full application; or
9.  brake failure light/low fluid warning light on and/or inoperative.

NAU applies
n.  Vacuum System

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  insufficient vacuum reserve to permit on full brake application after engine is shut off; or
2.  vacuum hose(s) or line(s) restricted, abraded (chafed) through outer cover-to-cord ply, crimped, cracked, broken, or has collapse of vacuum hose(s) when vacuum is applied.

NAU applies
2.  Coupling Devices (when in use)
a. Fifth Wheels: (lower coupler assembly)
1. Out-of-service violation if mounting to frame:
a.  more than 20% of fasteners on either side missing or ineffective
b.  any movement between mounting components; or
c.  any mounting angle iron cracked or broken.

a.   Out-of-service violation if ANY fasteners missing or ineffective;
b.  NAU applies.

c.  NAU applies.

2. Out-of-service violation if mounting plates and pivot brackets:
a.  more than 20% of fasteners on either side are missing or ineffective;
b.  any weld or parent metal cracked;
c.  more than 3/8 inch horizontal movement between pivot bracket pin and bracket; or
d.  pivot bracket pin missing or not secured.
a.  Out-of-service violation if ANY fasteners are missing or ineffective
b.  NAU applies
c.  Out-of-service violation if more that 1/4-inch horizontal movement between pivot bracket pin and bracket.
d.  NAU applies.
3. Out-of-service violation if Sliders:
a.  more than 25% of latching fasteners, per side, ineffective;
b.  any fore or aft stop missing or not securely attached; or
c.  movement of more than 3/8 inch between slider bracket and slider base.
3.  NAU applies, except for a, where ANY ineffective latching fasteners results in out-of-service violation.
4.  Out-of-service violation if operating handle not in closed or locked position. 4.  NAU applies.

5.  Out-of-service violation if cracks in fifth wheel plate; SPECIAL NOTE:  any repair weld cracking, well defined (especially open) cracks in stress or load bearing areas, cracks through 20% or more original welds or parent metal.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Cracks in fifth wheel approach ramps, and 2. casting shrinkage cracks in the ribs of the body of a cast fifth wheel.

5.  Out-of-service violation if ANY cracks in fifth wheel plate.

NAU exception applies.

6.  Out-of-service violation if locking mechanism parts missing, broken or deformed to the extent kingpin is not securely held. 6.  NAU applies.
b.  Upper Coupler Assembly (including Kingpin) 1.  Out-of-service violation if horizontal movement between the upper and lower fifth wheel halves exceeds 1/2 inch 1.  NAU applies.
2.  Out-of-service violation if kingpin can be moved by hand in any direction. 2.  NAU applies.
3.  Out-of-service violation if kingpin not properly engaged. 3.  NAU applies.
4.  Out-of-service violation if any semi-trailer with a bolted upper coupler having fewer than appropriate number of bolts. 4.  NAU applies.
5.  Out-of-service violation if any welds or parent metal cracked. 5.  NAU applies.
6. Not applicable under NAU. 6.  Out-of-service violation if separation between upper and lower coupler allowing light to show through from side to side.
c.  Pintle Hooks Mounting Integrity
d.  Drawbar Eye Mounting Integrity
e.  Drawbar/Tongue
f.  Safety Devices
g.  Saddle Mounts
h.  Full Trailer (Double Ring, Ball-Bearing Turntable)
Out-of-service violations not listed here. Not applicable to WIPP trucks.
3.  Exhaust System

Out-of-service violation if:

a.  any exhaust system, other than that of a diesel engine, leaking at a point forward or directly below the driver/sleeper compartment and when the floor pan is in such condition as to permit entry of exhaust fumes.
b.  no part of the exhaust system of any motor vehicle shall be so located as to be likely to result in burning, charring, or damaging the electrical wiring, the fuel supply, or any combustible part of the motor vehicle.

NAU applies except for a, where ANY exhaust system leaking at a point forward of or directly below the driver/sleeper compartment results in an out-of-service violation.  Note:  no floor pan defects required.
4. Frame
a.  Frame Members

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  any cracked, loose, sagging or broken frame siderail permitting shifting of the body onto moving parts or other condition indicating an imminent collapse of the frame.

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  ANY cracked, loose, sagging or broken frame member.   Note:  shifting of body onto moving parts not required.

2.  any cracked, loose or broken frame member adversely affecting support of functional components such as steering gear, fifth wheel, engine transmission, body parts and suspension. 2.  NAU applies.
3.  one and one-half inches or longer crack in frame siderail web which is directed toward bottom flange. 3.  ANY crack in the frame siderail web that is directed toward bottom flange.
4.  any crack extending from the frame siderail web around the radius and into the bottom flange. 4.  NAU applies
5.  one inch or longer crack in siderail bottom flange. 5.  ANY crack in the siderail bottom flange.
b.  Tire and Wheel Clearance Out-of-service violation if any condition, including loading, that causes the body or frame to be in contact with a tire or any part of the wheel assemblies, at the time of inspection. NAU applies.
c.  Adjustable Axles Out-of-service violation if adjustable axle assembly (sliding sub frame) with more than one-fourth of the locking pins missing or not engaged. Out-of-service violation if adjustable axle assembly (sliding sub frame) with ANY locking pins missing or not engaged.
5. Fuel System

Out-of-service violation if:

a.  a fuel system has a dripping leak at any point; and
b.  a fuel tank not securely attached to the vehicle.

NAU applies for a and b.

c.  In addition, out-of-service violation if fuel tank filler cap is missing.

6. Headlamps, Tail Lamps, Lamps on Projecting Loads, Stop Lamps, and Turn Signals
a.  When Lights are Required
1.  Out-of-service violation if the single vehicle or towing vehicle does not have at least one head lamp operative on low beam. Lamps required under 6a must be operative at all times.
1.  Out-of-service violation if the single vehicle or towing vehicle does not have BOTH head lamp operative on low beam.
2.  Out-of-service violation if truck does not have at least one steady burning tail lamp on rear of the rear most vehicle visible from 500 feet. 2.  Out-of-service violation if truck does not have at least one steady burning red lamp ON EACH SIDE of the rear of the towing vehicle and on each side of the rear of the rear most vehicle, visible from 500 feet.
3.  Out-of-service violation if there is not at least one operative steady burning lamp on the rear of loads of loads projecting more than four feet beyond the vehicle body, visible from 500 feet. 3. Out-of-service violation if there is not at least one steady burning red lamp ON EACH SIDE of the rear, visible from 500 feet.
b.  At Anytime — Day or Night 1.  Out-of-service violation if there is not at least one operative stop lamp on the rear of a single unit vehicle or  the rear of the rear most vehicle of a combination of vehicles visible at 500 feet. 1.  Out-of-service violation if there is not an operative lamp ON EACH side of the towing vehicle and on each side of the rear of the rear most vehicle.
2.  Out-of-service violation if there are not operative turn signals visible on each side of the rear of the rear most vehicle of a combination of vehicles. 2.  Out-of-service violation if there are not operative turn signals on each side of the FRONT and REAR of the power unit and on each side of the rear most vehicle.
7. Safe Loading a.  Out-of-service violation if parts of a vehicle or condition of loading such that the spare tire or any part of the load or dunnage can fall onto the roadway. a. NAU applies.
b.  Out-of-service violation if containers relying solely on fittings and twist locks for securement to container chassis not having four such attachments per container, two per side, properly attached. b.  Out-of-service violation if ANY accessible cargo securement devise is defective.
c.  Out-of-service violation if 25% or more of the required type and number of tie-downs are either loose or missing. c.  Out-of-service violation if ANY accessible cargo securement devise is defective.
d.  When 25% or more of the required types and numbers of tie-downs are defective. d.  Out-of-service violation if ANY accessible cargo securement devise is defective
NAU includes a variety of Safe Loading out-of-service criteria and exceptions specific to chains, wire rope, cordage, synthetic webbing, fittings or attachments, and anchor points. Enhanced NAU out-of-service violation occurs if ANY accessible cargo securement devise is defective, regardless of NAU criteria and exceptions.
8.  Steering Mechanism NAU includes out-of-service criteria for Steering Wheel Free Play, Steering Column, Front Axle Beam and All Steering Components Other Than Steering Column (including Hub), Steering Gear Box, Pitman Arm, Power Steering, Ball and Socket Joints, Tie Rods and Drag Links, Nuts, Steering System and C-Dolly. NAU criteria applies.
9.  Suspension
a.  Axle Parts/Members
1. Out-of-service violation if any U-bolts or other spring to axle clamp bolts are cracked, broken, loose or missing. NAU applies.
2. Out-of-service violation if any spring hangers, or other axle positioning parts are cracked, broken, loose, or missing resulting in shifting of an axle from its normal position. 2.  Out-of-service violation if any spring hangers, or other axle positioning parts are cracked, broken, loose, or missing.  Note:  no evidence of shifting required.
b.  Spring Assembly 1.  Out-of-service violation if 1/4 or more of the leaves in any spring assembly are broken. 1.  Out-of-service violation if ANY leaf in a spring leaf assembly is broken.
2.  Out-of-service violation if any leaf or portion of any leaf in any spring assembly is missing or separated. 2.  NAU applies.
3.  Out-of-service violation if any broken main leaf in a leaf spring. 3.  Out-of-service violation if ANY leaf in a spring leaf assembly is broken.
4.  Out-of-service violation if coil spring broken. 4.  NAU applies.
5.  Out-of-service violation if one or more leaves displaced in a manner that could result in contact with a tire, rim, brake drum or frame. 5.  NAU applies.
6.  Out-of-service violation if rubber spring missing. 6.  NAU applies.
7.  Out-of-service violation if broken torsion bar spring in torsion bar suspension. 7.  NAU applies.
8.  Out-of-service violation if deflated air suspension. 8.  NAU applies.
c.  Composite Springs 1.  Out-of-service violation if any intersecting cracks of any length. 1.  NAU applies.
2.  Out-of-service violation if a crack that extends beyond 3/4 the length of the spring. 2.  Out-of-service violation if ANY crack exists.
d.  Torque, Radius, or Tracking Components Out-of-service violation if any part of a torque, radius or tracking component assembly or any part used for attaching same to the vehicle frame or axle is cracked, loose, broken or missing. NAU applies.
10.  Tires
a.  Any Tire on any Steering Axle of Power Unit
1.  Out-of-service violation if less than 2/32 inch tread when measured in any two adjacent major tread grooves at any location on the tire. 1.  Out-of-service violation if less than 4/32 inch tread when measured in any groove at any location on the tire.
2.  Out-of-service violation if any part of the breaker strip or casing ply is showing in the tread. 2.  NAU applies.
3.  Out-of-service violation if sidewall is cut, torn, or damaged to the extent the ply cord is exposed. 3.  NAU applies.
4.  Out-of-service violation if labeled “Not For Highway Use” or carrying other markings which would exclude use on steering axles. 4.  NAU applies.
5.  Out-of-service violation if visually observable bump, bulge or knots apparently related to tread or sidewall separation, except when a bulge is due to certain section repairs. 5.  Out-of-service violation if ANY tire with observable bumps, bulge or knots; exception does not apply.
6.  Out-of-service violation if tire is flat or has noticeable leak. 6.  NAU applies.
7.  Out-of-service violation if so mounted or inflated that it comes in contact with any part of the vehicle. 7.  NAU applies.
8.  Out-of-service violation if steering axle weight carried exceeds tire load limit. 8.  NAU applies.
9.  Does not apply. 9.  Out-of-service violation if any regrooved tires.
b.  All Tires Other Than Those on the Steering Axle of the Powered Vehicle. 1.  Out-of-service violation if tire is flat or has noticeable leak. 1.  NAU applies.
2.  Out-of-service violation if, for bias ply tires, more than one ply is exposed in the tread area or sidewall or when the exposed area of the top ply exceeds 2 square inches. 2.  Out-of-service violation if, for bias ply tires, ANY ply is exposed in the tread area or sidewall.
3.  Out-of-service violation if, for radial ply tires, two or more plies are exposed in the tread area or damaged cords are evident in the sidewall or when the exposed area exceeds 2 square inches in the sidewall. 3.  Out-of-service violation if, for radial ply tires, ANY plies are exposed in the tread area or damaged cords are evident in the sidewall.
4.  Out-of-service violation if visually observable bump, bulge or knots apparently related to tread or sidewall separation, except when a bulge is due to certain section repairs. 4.  Out-of-service violation if ANY tire with observable bumps, bulge or knots; exception does not apply.
5.  Out-of-service violation if so mounted or inflated that it comes in contact with any part of the vehicle. 5.  NAU applies.
6.  Out-of-service violation if weight carried exceeds tire load limit. 6.  NAU applies.
7.  Out-of-service violation if so worn that less than 1/32 inch tread when measured in any two adjacent major tread grooves at 3 separate locations on the tire.  On dual tires, both tires must have less than 1/32 inch tread. 7.  Out-of-service violation if so worn that less than 2/32 inch tread remains when measured in ANY groove at ANY location on the tire.  No dual tire exception.
8.  Out-of-service violation if 75% or more of the tread width loose or missing in excess of 12 inches in circumference. 8.  NAU applies.
11.  Van and Open-Top Trailer Bodies NAU includes out-of-service criteria for upper rail, lower rail, floor crossmembers, and side panels on fiberglass reinforced plywood trailers. Part II, Section 4 (Frame) Enhanced NAU Out-of-Service Criteria applies.
12.  Wheels and Rims a.  Out-of-service violation if lock or side ring is bent, broken, cracked, improperly seated, sprung, or mismatched rings. a.  NAU applies.
b.  Out-of-service violation if any circumferential crack except an intentional manufactured crack at a valve stem hole. b.  NAU applies.
c.  Out-of-service violation if the disc wheel has a single crack of 3 inches or more in length, a crack extends between any two holes including hand holes, stud holes and center holes, or two or more crack on any place on the wheel. c.  Out-of-service violation if ANY disc or case wheel cracks observed.
d.  Out-of-service violation if 50% or more  stud holes (disc wheels)are elongated. d.  Out-of-service violation if ANY stud holes are elongated.
e.  Out-of-service violation if spoke wheels contain 2 or more cracks more than 1 inch across a spoke or hub section or if two or more web areas with cracks. e.  Out-of-service violation if ANY spoke wheels have cracks.
f.  Out-of-service violation if cracks at three or more spokes in tubeless demountable adapters. Out-of-service violation if ANY crack at a spoke in the tubeless demountable adapter.
g.  Out-of-service violation if loose, missing, broke, cracked or stripped ineffective fasteners as follows:  for 10 fastener positions – 3 anywhere or 2 adjacent; for 8 fastener positions or less (including spoke wheels and hub bolts) — 2 anywhere. g.  Out-of-service violation if ANY loose, missing, broke, cracked or stripped ineffective fasteners.

h.  Out-of-service violation if:

1) any cracks in welds attaching disc wheel to rim;
2) any cracks in welds attaching tubeless demountable rim to adapter;
3) any welded repair on aluminum wheels on a steering axle; or
4) any welded repair other than disc to rim attachment on steel disc wheels mounted on the steering axle.


1.  NAU applies.
2.  NAU applies.
3.  Out-of-service violation if any welded repair on aluminum wheels on ANY axle.
4.  Out-of-service violation if any welded repair other than disc to rim attachment on steel disc wheels mounted on ANY axle.

13. Windshield Wipers Out-of-service violation if any power unit that has an inoperative wiper or missing or damaged parts that render it ineffective on the driver’s side.  Applicable only in inclement weather requiring use of windshield wipers. Out-of-service violation if any power unit that has an inoperative wiper or missing or damaged parts that render it ineffective at ANY TIME.  Note:  if a motor vehicle was originally equipped with only one wiper, only one wiper is required.  If originally equipped with two or more wipers, all wipers must be operable.
14.  Emergency Exits Criteria applicable to buses only. Not applicable.
15.  Seat Belts Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Webbing must not be frayed, split or torn; attachment fittings must not be loose, badly corroded or missing; and anchor bolts must be present and securely fastened to the floor.
16. Horn Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Each power unit must be equipped with an operative horn.
17.   Windshield Glazing
All glazing used in motor vehicles must be approved safety glass.  The windshield must be “AS1” and all other glass must be “AS2.”
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU.

Out-of-service violation if:

1.  any cracks over 1/4 inch wide, intersecting cracks, discoloration not applied in manufacture, or other vision-distorting matter in the sweep of the wiper on the drivers side;

2.  any scratches or abrasions that are more that 1/2 inch wide and more the 6 inches in length.

3.  there are holes or intersecting cracks;

4.  has a crack whose edge can be felt on the wiper side of the windshield;

5. has discoloration extending more than 3 inches up from the right or left side, more than 1 inch in from the right or left side, or more than 1 inch down from the top.

18. Defroster
The power unit must have a properly functioning device for removing condensation from the inside of the windshield and ice, snow, or frost from the outside of the windshield.
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Out-of-service violation if defroster is inoperable or fails to function properly at any time.
19.  Rear Vision Mirrors
The vehicle must have rear vision mirrors that:  do not obstruct forward vision of the driver; are not cracked pitted, broken, discolored or clouded to the extent that rear vision is obscured; hold adjustment so as to provide a clear view of the area the mirrors were designed to reflect; do not have objects or materials hung from or blocking them; are securely mounted on a stable support; and reflect to the driver a view of the highway to the rear of the vehicle.
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Out-of-service violation if any of the criteria not met.
20.  Floor, Firewall and Internal Wiring
The floor and the firewall of the driver’s compartment must not contain holes that would permit exhaust gases to enter.  Wiring shall be grouped together and protected to withstand abrasion.  Wiring shall not be located so as likely to be charred, overheated or enmeshed in moving parts.  Wiring shall not be adjacent to any part of the fuel system.  The edges of all holes through which wiring passes, unless the wiring is metal, shall be rolled or bushed with a grommet of rubber or other suitable material.  The presence of bare, loose, dangling, chafing or poorly connected wires is prohibited.
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Out-of-service violation if holes exist in the floor or firewall of the driver’s compartment that would permit exhaust fumes to enter or if bare, loose, dangling, chafed or poorly connected wires are present.
21.   Headlight Beam Selector Switch
The headlight beam selector switch must operate to select either high or low beam.
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Not an out-of-service violation.
22.   Sleeper Berth
Sleeper berth must meet requirements of 393.76.
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Not an out-of-service violation.
23.   Emergency Equipment Not an out-of-service violation for NAU.

Vehicles transporting transuranic waste must be equipped with a fire extinguisher having an Underwriter’s Laboratories rating of 10B:C or more, securely fastened on the power unit.

Vehicle must be equipped with three bi-directional emergency reflective triangles, or at least six fusses, or at least three liquid-burning flares, except  as provided by 393.95

24. Hood Securement and Hinges Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Out-of-service violation if latch does not securely hold the hood of the cab in fully closed position or if cab-over units are not securely fastened at the rear of the cab.
25. Headerboard Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Out-of-service violation if vehicle is without a headerboard or equivalent device as required.
26.   Battery Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Out-of-service violation if battery exposed.
27.   Rear-end Protection
Each motor vehicle must be equipped with a rear-end protection device meeting requirements.
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Not an out-of-service violation
28. Cab and Body Components
The vehicle’s front bumper must not be missing, loosely attached or protruding so as to create a safety hazard and the passenger compartment must not have doors or door parts missing, broken or sagging so that the door cannot be properly operated.
Not an out-of-service violation for NAU. Out-of-service violation if door or door parts missing, broken or sagging or if cab or body not securely fastened/attached to the frame.
29.   TRUPACT-II Package Tie Down Assemblies Not applicable. Out-of-service violation:  if any tie down assembly not securely locked; when the gap between the trailer locking plate and the compression plate exceeds 0.100 inches; or when the cam handle locking pin is missing.


Policy Statement

The purpose of the NAU Hazardous Materials is to provide criteria for the abatement of unsafe conditions in the transportation of hazardous materials and is based upon the presence of any condition(s) which fail(s) to communicate the hazards(s) or is an imminent hazard.

Conditions categorized as “out-of-service” shall not be allowed to continue in commerce until the condition(s) is/are corrected and the shipment complies with the applicable regulations. If, at the discretion of the inspector, it is less hazardous to the public to relocate the vehicle, it shall be towed, transported, or escorted to a safe location only at the direction of an official authority.


2. Placarding
a. Appropriate placard present when required

a.  For Enhanced NAU only:  Out-of-service violation when ANY of the required placards for a hazard class are missing or any placards misrepresent the hazardous materials being transported.

b.  Number and Type of Placards

b.  For Enhanced Inspection only:   Each motor vehicle must be properly placarded on each side and each end.  Each placard must be:  readily visible from each direction it faces; securely attached or affixed; located clear of appurtenances, ladders, etc.; located away from other markings that may reduce the placard’s effectiveness; legible and visible.  Placarding is permitted on the front of a motor vehicle instead of the front of the cargo body.   Highway route controlled quantity radioactive materials must have the required “RADIOACTIVE” warning placards placed on a square white background having a black border.  Words must be printed horizontally reading from left to right.   “Radioactive” text cannot be omitted

b.  NAU out-of-service condition exists when 50% or more of the required placards for a hazard class are missing or any placards misrepresent the hazardous materials being transported.

b. Enhanced NAU out-of-service condition exists when ANY of the required placards for a hazard class are missing.

3. Bulk (this section applies to specification packages, except that item “e” applies to all packages) a.  Out-of-service violation if a required internal valve is missing. a.  NAU applies.
b.  Out-of-service violation if the internal valve is in the open position. b.  NAU applies.
c.  Out-of-service violation if transporting hazardous materials in bulk packages not authorized for the material being transported.  Unless otherwise indicated herein, specification shortages shall not disqualify an otherwise authorized package. c.  NAU applies.
d.  Out-of-service violation if venting devices, manhole covers or discharge valves are missing or improperly secured. d.  NAU applies.
e.  Out-of-service violation if hazardous materials are leaking from a bulk package (including associated piping). e.  NAU applies.
f.  Out-of-service violation if more than 25% of the anchoring mechanisms are ineffective. f.  Out-of-service violation if ANY of the anchoring mechanisms are ineffective.
5.  Poison Inhalation Hazard (PIH) Markings Out-of-service violation if required markings for non-bulk or bulk packages are missing or illegible. NAU applies.
6.  Non-Bulk Packaging Integrity Out-of-service violation if hazardous material leaking in or from a package. NAU applies.
7.  Loading and Securement a.  Transporting Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 7 or 8 materials which are not blocked or braced to prevent significant motion relative to vehicle while in transit constitutes an out-of-service violation. a.  NAU applies.
b.  Transporting incompatible commodities constitutes an out-of-service violation. b. NAU applies.
c.  Transporting packages requiring poison labels in the same vehicle with foodstuffs, feeds, or other edible materials intended for consumption by humans or animals constitutes an out-of-service violation. c. Not applicable.
8.  Forbidden Items Transportation of forbidden items constitutes an out-of-service violation. NAU applies.
9.  Radioactive Materials – Radiation Levels
a.  Measured at Surface of Vehicle
a.  Out-of-service violation if measurement exceeds 200 mrem/hour at accessible surface of the vehicle. a.  NAU applies.
b.  Measured at 2 Meters from Surface   Out-of-service violation if measurement exceeds 10 mrem/hour.
c.  Measured in the Driver Position and in the Sleeper Berth of the Cab.   Out-of-service violation if measurement exceeds 2 mrem/hour in a space normally occupied by a person.
10.  Route Plan   Out-of-service violation if proper route plan is not present or truck is not on designated route.

11.   Labeling

For Level VI only:   Each package shall be properly labeled.  Type of Label:  proper label shall be the highest category required for any of the determining conditions for the package.  Number of labels displayed:  The package is required to have two labels, affixed on opposite sides.  Marking of Labels:  The labels are to be legibly marked with contents/radionuclides, activity, and transport index, if required.   Compare to the shipping papers to ensure matching entries.   Contents/radionuclides:  The name or symbol of the radionuclide shall be listed on the label.  Activities:  Units shall be expressed in appropriate Becquerel units.  For Fissile materials, the weight in grams or kilograms of fissile radioisotopes may be listed except for PU 238, 239, 241.  Transport index shall be entered on Yellow II or III labels.

12.  Package Marking

For Level VI only:  Packages of more than 110 pounds shall have the gross weight marked on the outside of the package.  “Type B” shall be marked on the outside of the package.  Type B, B(U), B(M) must be marked with the radiation symbol.  Outside package shall be marked with:  identification markings indicating package certificate number or DOT specification number; proper shipping name and UN number; name and address of consignee/consignor.  Security seal on package.  If being exported, must have “USA” marked on the outside of the package.  If it contains a hazardous substance, “RQ” shall be marked on the outside of the package.

* Source: “North American Uniform Out-of-Service Criteria and Level VI North American Uniform Inspection Procedures and Out-of-Service Criteria for Commercial Highway Vehicles Transporting Transuranics, Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste,” Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, May 1, 1998.