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Geothermal Resource Permits

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ECAM Geothermal Resources

ECAM serves as the state liaison to the U.S. Department of Energy’s geothermal program and serves as New Mexico’s regulatory agency for high temperature (>250 degrees F) geothermal resource development including injection wells listed under the U.S. EPA’s Underground Injection Control program.

ECAM disseminates information on geothermal resources, development and incentives, and monitors and regulates geothermal development activities to promote environmental and economic sustainability for New Mexico and its citizens.

The 2016 passage of the Geothermal Resources Development Act moved the resource development and regulation implementation for high temperature (>250 degrees F) geothermal wells from the New Mexico Oil Conservation Division to ECAM. ECAM manages for the development and permitting of high temperature geothermal wells and geothermal facilities. See links below for the final rules and the Division’s Application Form for permitted activities.

To apply for a permit under 19-11-2 NMAC fill out the application form and submit the form and all supporting information to ECAM up to 6 months before any planned applicable activities.

Geothermal Resources Development Rules:

19-11-1 NMAC General

19-11-2 NMAC Permits

19-11-3 NMAC Hearings

19-11-4 NMAC Construction and Operation

For all inquiries regarding low-temperature geothermal wells, please contact the New Mexico Environment Department Ground Water Quality Bureau.


Heat Flow Map of the Continental United States


Geothermal Maps


New Mexico Geothermal Resources Database Map


Geothermal Resources


Protecting Underground Sources of Drinking Water from Underground Injection