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New Mexico State Energy Security Plan

The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECAM) is responsible for maintaining and updating the New Mexico State Energy Security Plan (SESP). SESPs are the primary tools used by states to assure a state’s energy security across unregulated and regulated electricity, natural gas, and petroleum supplies, as well as mission critical end-use facilities such as water treatment, health care, and first responder organizations.

In 2023, ECAM made a significant update of the New Mexico SESP.  The latest update was developed in accordance with the provisions added by the 2021 federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Per these provisions, the New Mexico SESP:

  • addresses all energy sources and regulated and unregulated energy providers;
  • provides a state energy profile, including an assessment of energy production, transmission, distribution, and end-use;
  • addresses potential hazards to each energy sector or system, including physical threats and vulnerabilities and cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities;
  • provides a risk assessment of energy infrastructure and cross-sector interdependencies;
  • provides a risk mitigation approach to enhance reliability and end-use resilience;
  • addresses multi-state and regional coordination, planning, and response, and coordination with Indian Tribes (23 New Mexico Tribal Nations) with respect to planning and response; and
  • to the extent practicable, encourages mutual assistance in cyber and physical response plans.

2023 State Energy Security Plan (PDF)

2023 State Energy Security Plan Appendices (PDF) 

The following section describes the stakeholder engagement process that led to the latest plan.

Stakeholder engagement is crucial to a complete and accurate State Energy Security Plan. ECAM, in concert with our partners at Hagerty Consulting, Inc., engaged stakeholders in three phases.

Phase I: State Energy Security Assessment (November 2022 – February 2023)
Phase II: SESP Development (February – June 2023)
Phase III: SESP Stakeholder Presentations (June 2023)

Key Dates:

November 16, 2022:  Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting

Kick-off Meeting Presentation (Downloadable PDF)

Project Roadmap (Downloadable PDF)

November 16 – 30, 2022:  Request for Stakeholder Documents

February 20, 21, 22, 2023:  Energy Security Validation Workshops

February 20 – Electricity Sector (Downloadable PDF)

February 21 – Government (Downloadable PDF)

February 22 – Oil and Gas Sector (Downloadable PDF)

April 4 and 18, 2023:

April 4 Emergency Response Working Group Meeting (Downloadable PDF)

April 18 Emergency Response Working Group Meeting (Downloadable PDF)

April 6 and 20, 2023:

April 6 Resilience and Mitigation Working Group Meeting (Downloadable PDF)

April 20 Resilience and Mitigation Working Group Meeting (Downloadable PDF)

June 26 and 27, 2023: Final SESP Stakeholder Presentation (Downloadable PDF)

Planning Exercises

As part of the update process, ECAM will test the robustness of the SESP with real-time exercises. Scenario exercises help responsible entities develop relationships necessary for the management of an energy emergency – relationships which can be relied upon if a real emergency were to arise.