Fire Prevention Programs
Fire Prevention Programs
The Forestry Division participates in several nationally recognized programs that guide home and landowners with wildfire prevention and preparation.
The Forestry Division works with local, state, federal, and tribal partners on these efforts to reach every corner of the state. The Forestry Division is also responsible for providing critical information during wildfires on state and private lands.
District liaisons work with communities in their area to develop individual wildland fire prevention and preparedness plans. Interagency programs, such as Ready, Set, Go!, Smokey Bear, Living with Fire, Fire Adapted Communities, and Firewise USA®, allow communities to tailor programs to fit their population size and local landscape.
New Mexico Fire Information
Wildfire Insurance
Institute for Business and Home Safety
The Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) has designed a program to help homeowners decrease their risk from wildfire.
Fire Prevention Around The Home

Ember Awareness
Ember ignition is the most common source for home ignition during wildfires. Embers are small pieces of burning material that can be transported by wind over a mile ahead of the fire. If these embers enter through exposed gaps, or land on combustible materials surrounding your home, it can cause your home to ignite.
The Importance of the Home Ignition Zone
The Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) is the structure and its immediate surroundings out to 200 feet. Building and landscaping for wildfire in this area can greatly reduce the risk to your property, particularly from the threat of ember showers and direct flame contact.
The HIZ is typically divided into 4 smaller zones as described in the graphic. When treating the HIZ around your property, always start with the home itself and work your way outwards. For more information about specific steps you can take for each zone, visit the NFPA website.
Living with Fire – A Homeowner’s Guide
The Living with Fire (LWF), a Guide for New Mexico Homeowners provides recommendations and resources to homeowners, educators, community groups, and firefighting professionals to prepare for wildfire and reduce wildfire threats to homes and communities.
Community Fire Preparedness

Ready, Set, Go!
Wildfire destroys thousands of acres and threatens hundreds of homes across New Mexico each year. The Ready, Set, Go! (RSG) program helps residents be Ready with preparedness understanding, be Set with situational awareness when fire threatens, and to Go, acting early when a wildfire starts. The RSG is managed by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and seeks to make a difference in communities faced with wildland fire threats, saving lives and property.

To request a visit from Smokey Bear at your school or special fire/safety event, please call or send an email to:
George Ducker
Communications Coordinator
Requests must be received at least one month in advance and meet certain fire prevention criteria to be eligible. Smokey Bear cannot attend commercial “mascot events” or private functions such as birthday parties.