Under Development
Madrid Water Tank Project
Award Amount: $
Final Cost:
Red Hill Mine Safeguard Project
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Award Amount: $538,625.22
Final Cost:
Carthage Mine Maintenance Project
Contractor: MineGates Environmental, Inc.
Award Amount: $138,520.00
Final Cost: $103,912.84
Boston Hill Mine Safeguard Project – Phase I
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Award Amount: $1,501,108.85
Final Cost:
Bonito Lake Maintenance Project
Contractor: Runyan Construction
Awarded Amount: $10,000.00
Final Cost: $9,225.29
Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguarding Project – Phase II
Contractor: MineGates Environmental Inc.
Awarded Amount: $106,876.78
Final Cost: $108,195.98
Gallup Coal Fire Fencing Project
Contractor: TriWest Fence
Awarded Amount: $51,807.15
Final Cost: $51,807.15
Gallup Dog Park/Laguna Circle Adit Safeguarding Project
Contractor: 20X Excavation Inc.
Awarded Amount: $58,267.68
Final Cost: $59,957.36
San Pedro Mine Safeguard Project – Phase III
Contractor: San Isidro Permaculture, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $264,763.18
Final Cost: $299,704.42
Swastika Mine and Dutchman Canyon Maintenance and Stream Restoration Project
Contractor: Sweatt Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $1,011,003.43
Final Cost: $1,029,339.54
Tin Pan Canyon Gob Reclamation Project
Contractor: San Isidro Permaculture, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $376,912.90
Final Cost: $368,614.33
Cookes Peak West Mine Safeguard Project- Phase IIIB
Contractor: MineGates Environmental
Awarded Amount: $370,215.00
Final Cost: $481,218.63
Cookes Peak West Mine Safeguard Project- Phase IIIA
Contractor: MineGates Environmental, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $242,569.70
Final Cost: $216,988.31
Gallup Allison Phase III Emergency Project
Contractor: Nicholson Construction Co.
Awarded Amount: $2,512,640.64
Final Cost: $2,792,248.42
Rogersville Reclamation Project – Phase III
Contractor: Johnson Environmental
Final Cost: $32,095.40
Dutchman Wetland Maintenance Project
Contractor: Reineke Construction
Awarded Amount: $40,40,152.53
Final Cost: $40,40,152.53
Lemitar Small Construction Project – Phase II
Contractor: Johnson Environmental
Awarded Amount: $51,929.40
Final Cost: $50,952.08
White Signal Tulloch Shaft Safeguard Project
Contractor: Johnson Environmental
Awarded Amount: $11,508.75
Final Cost: $11,508.75
Cookes Peak West Mine Safeguard Project – Phase II
Contractor: Perikin Enterprises, LLC
Awarded Amount: $284,918.95
Final Cost: $322,474.14
Go back to the top
Bradley Group Mine Maintenance Project
Runyan Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $19,451.25
Final Cost: $16,458.75
Cookes Peak West MineSafeguard Project – Phase I
Runyan Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $59,315.63
Final Cost: $59,315.63
Allison Emergency Backfill Project
Rock Gap Engineering, LLC
Awarded Amount: $137,533.27
Final Cost: $146,165.19
Grants Uranium – Phase III Safeguard and Reclamation Project
Runyan Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $593,054.96
Final Cost: $765,654.23
VPR Swastika Mine 2015 Seeding Maintenance
Southwest Urban Hydrology, LLC
Awarded Amount: $24,396.37
Final Cost: $24,396.37
Jones Vent Shaft Closure
E&E Excavation, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $10,500.00
Final Cost: $10,500.00
Rogersville Safeguard Maintenance Project
E&E Excavation, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $9,900.00
Final Cost: $9,900.00
Cerrillos Central/Bonanza Creek Mine Safeguard Project – Phase III
Runyan Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $371,492.16
Final Cost: $406,709.07
Grants Uranium – Spencer Mine Safeguard and Reclamation Project
Duran Bokich Enterprises, LLC
Awarded Amount: $493,215.96
Final Cost: $563,265.32
Cookes Peak Bat Study Project
Runyan Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $23.428.94
Final Cost: $23,428.94
Bayard West Maintenance 2014
Runyan Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $9,652.50
Final Cost: $9,652.50
Grants Uranium – Hogan Mine Safeguard Project Phase I
Duran Bokich Enterprises, LLC
Awarded Amount: $32,350.00
Final Cost: $33,368.00
San Pedro Mine Safeguard Project – Phase I
Runyan Construction, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $270,131.92
Final Cost: $295,354.42
Madrid French Adit Maintenance Project
Max Maintenance and Construction, LLC
Awarded Amount: $3,099.38
Final Cost: $3,099.38
VPR – Swastika Mine Stream Crossing Maintenance Project
Duran Bokich Enterprises, LLC
Awarded Amount: $56,787.75
Final Cost: $64,487.41
Oscura Mine Maintenance Project
Contractor: Johnson Environmental
Final Cost: $6,991.00
Orogrande Mine District Maintenance Project
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost: $4,255.00
Cleveland Mine Safeguard Project
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost: $452,233.98
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project Phase VIII/Yankee-Vukonich Maintenance II
Contractor: 814 Solutions LLC
Final Cost: $512,920.44
EMNRD-MMD-2012-04H (Hybrid)
Madrid Low Impact Stormwater Project
Winner: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s Western Region Award in 2017
Contractor: Rangeland Hands, Inc.
Final Cost: $1,519,869.04
Gage Mine Maintenance Project
Contractor: Silver Gryphon Southwest, LLC
Final Cost: $2,598.60
Bradley Group Mine Safequard Project– Phase I
10 miles southwest of Deming in Luna County, on public and private land.
Contractor: Duran Bokich Enterprises, LLC
Final Cost: $502,504.28
Lake Valley Phase I, II, IV Maintenance Project
Near the ghost town of Lake Valley, 17 miles south of Hillsboro, in Sierra County, to fabricate and install a tumbleweed gate; and modify several existing bat cupolas.
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost:$11,945.00
Bunker Hill Mine Safeguard Project – Phase II
Contractor: Max Maintenance and Construction, LLC
Final Cost: $19,999.00
Madrid – Maintenance Project 2011
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost: $2443.85
VPR – Swastika Mine and Dutchman Canyon Reclamation Project
Contractor: Kiewit New Mexico Co.
Final Cost: $4,485,131.22
Cerrillos Gravel Pit Shaft Safeguard Project
Near Cerrillos, in Santa Fe County, for demolition and cleanup, and to install grate over mine shaft.
Contractor: Runyan Construction
Final Cost: $13,067.00
Rogersville Mine Safeguard Project – Phase II
Contractor: Sunset Distributing
Final Cost:$9,980.10
Rogersville Mine Safeguard Project – Phase I
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost: $7,777.00
Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project
Winner: National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs 2013 Small Construction Award
Between the towns of Dixon and Peñasco in Taos County.
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost: $206,698.45
Bayard West Maintenance 2010
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost: $22,978.00
Real de Dolores Maintenance Project
Contractor: Buena Vista Masonry, Inc.
Final Cost: $10,854.43
Cerrillos Central/Bonanza Creek Mine Safeguard Project – Phase I
North of the town of Cerrillos, approximately 16 miles southwest of Santa Fe, on BLM and private land, to backfill 33 mine openings, construct bat compatible features, install fencing, and seed all areas disturbed during construction.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Company
Final Cost: $151,518.86
Jones Mine Safeguard Project
Contractor: KW Enterprises, LLC
Final Cost: $8,500.00
Bunker Hill Mine Safeguard Project
Approximately 3.5 miles southwest of the town of Red River in Taos County, on the Red River, within the Questa Ranger District of the Carson National Forest, to construct a foam plug, excavate drainage channels, and construct waterbars at locations designated by the USFS.
Contractor: Johnson Environmental
Final Cost: $35,443.38
Organ Phase II Maintenance
Contractor: Silver Gryphon Southwest, LLC
Final Cost: $4,520.94
Socorro West Maintenance Project – Phase II
Between nine and 17 miles west of Socorro in Socorro County, on public and private land, to backfill shafts, place plugs, install bat compatible closures, and land restoration work..
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Company
Final Cost: $99,969.94
Queen of the Guadalupes Mine Safeguard Project
38 miles southwest of Carlsbad in Eddy County, on public land, to backfill one shaft using mine waste material;
construct a bat cupola and polyurethane foam plug at one shaft; seed all areas disturbed by construction.
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Inc.
Final Cost: $80,838.47
Lake Valley Mine Safeguard Project – Phase IV
In and around the ghost town of Lake Valley, 17 miles south of Hillsboro, in Sierra County, on private land, to to backfill shafts, place plugs, install bat compatible closures, and land restoration work.
Contractor: Pioneer Industries, Inc.
Final Cost: $433,840.05
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project – Phase VII
Six miles northeast of Raton in Colfax County, on unplatted public and private land within the Maxwell Land Grant, to provide remedial reclamation to better control erosion and sedimentation at a previously reclaimed gob (coal mine waste) pile in Sugarite Canyon State Park.
Contractor: Samcon, Inc.
Final Cost: $795,934.31
Cerrillos-Real de Cerrillos Maintenance Project
Contractor: Sunset Distributing
Final Cost: $9,159.00
San Pedro Small Construction Project
Contractor: Max Maintenance and Construction
Final Cost: $2,675.00
Lordsburg/Fluorite Ridge Emergency Maintenance Project
Contractor: Runyan Construction
Final Cost: $15,186.71
Lake Valley Mine Safeguard Project – Phase IV
(Moved to EMNRD-MMD-2010-02)
Socorro West Maintenance II
(Moved to EMNRD-MMD-2010-04)
Madrid Maintenance Project
Contractor: Max Maintenance and Construction
Final Cost: $4,893.25
Carthage Imprint Seeding Project
Between eight and eleven miles east of San Antonio in Socorro County, New Mexico on public and private land, to imprint seeding at several abandoned coal mine sites where gob piles were graded, covered with soil, and seeded in 1997 and 1999; temporary access roads were decompacted and seeded.
Contractor: Runyan Construction
Final Cost: $54,936.50
Carbonate Hill Mine Safeguard Project
Approximately five miles southwest of Road Forks in Hidalgo County, on public land, to backfill six shafts, one adit and one pit using mine waste material; construct bat closures in two adits; construct bat cupolas and bat gates; construct a polyurethane foam plug at one mine opening; and seed all areas disturbed by construction. At least two bat species use many of the mine features for night roosting, hibernation and maternity activity.
Before and After Images: Click Here
Contractor: Pioneer Industries, Inc.
Final Cost: $225,346.01
Yankee-Vukonich Maintenance Project
Eight miles east of Raton in Colfax County, on public and private land, to provide remedial reclamation to control erosion and sedimentation at previously reclaimed gob (coal mine waste) piles.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Company
Final Cost: $51,160.53
Cerrillos South Emergency Maintenance Project
To address a mine shaft that had subsided to about 30-feet deep. The shaft was originally filled as part of the Cerrillos South Mine Safeguard Project. The area is heavily used by horseback riders and the hazard was considered a high priority.
Contractor: Essential Utilities of Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $7,197.19
Gallup Southwestern Coal Mine Safeguard Project
Project Cancelled
La Ventana Mine Maintenance Project
To safeguard one coal mine subsidence feature near La Ventana, south of Cuba.
Contractor: Johnson Environmental of Alamogordo, NM
Final Cost: $3,930.10
Lake Valley Mine Safeguard Project – Phase III
In and around the ghost town of Lake Valley, 17 miles south of Hillsboro, in Sierra County, to backfill 114 mine openings using mine waste, other nearby material and material imported from designated borrow areas where specified; re-construct access road and construct a berm; close temporary construction access roads; seed all areas disturbed by construction.
Contractor: Runyan Construction of Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $99,329.12
Project Cancelled – All bids rejected.
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project – Phase VI
Six miles northeast of Raton in Colfax County, on unplatted public and private land within the Maxwell Land Grant, to provide remedial reclamation to control erosion and sedimentation at a previously reclaimed gob (coal mine waste) pile in Sugarite Canyon State Park.
Contractor: Samcon, Inc. of Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost:$861,745.61
Orogrande Mine Safeguard Project – Phase II
Approximately three miles northwest of Orogrande in Otero County, on private and public land to perform backfilling 75 mine features; plug five mine features with polyurethane foam; construct 16 structures to protect wildlife while safeguarding mine features; and seed all areas disturbed by construction.
Contractor: Pioneer Industries, Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $685,317.20
La Ventana Mine Safeguard Project – Phase II
To safeguard seven coal mine subsidences near La Ventana, south of Cuba, in Valencia County.
Contractor: E & E Construction, La Madera, NM
Final Cost: $7,140.60
Lake Valley Mine Safeguard Project – Phase II
In and around the ghost town of Lake Valley, seventeen miles south of Hillsboro, in Sierra County, on private land to address 58 abandoned mine openings, all of which were dangerous to the public.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Company, Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $711,182.35
Gallup-Heaton Backfilling 2007
Lordsburg Mine Maintenance Project
In Hidalgo County near the town of Lordsburg, to address a subsidence issue.
Contractor: Runyan Construction Co., Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $10,346.11
Madrid North Mine Safeguard Project
In and around the town of Madrid in Santa Fe County, to safeguard six mine features by backfilling.
Contractor: E&E Excavation, La Madera, NM
Final Cost: $2,338.88
Clum Mine Maintenance Project
Contractor: Runyan Construction Co., Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $2,483.18
Granite Gap Mine Safeguard Project
Approximately 12 miles south of Road Forks and 28 miles southwest of Lordsburg in Hidalgo County, to address 19 mine features using mine waste and other nearby material.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Company, Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $331,713.72
Bayard-Niblett Mine Safeguard Project
Contractor: E&E Excavation, La Madera, NM
Final Cost: $12,849.07
Fluorite Ridge & Lordsburg II Emergency Maintenance Project
Contractor: Runyan Construction, Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $3,337.03
Lumberton Mine Reclamation Project
On private land approximately one mile southeast of Lumberton, in Rio Arriba County, to address three partially closed adits, eight gob piles and nine small gob contaminated areas.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Company, Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $145,884.73
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project – Phase V
About six miles northeast of Raton in Colfax County, on unplatted public and private land within the Maxwell Land Grant, to address five coal gob sites and adjacent areas.
Contractor: Samcon Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $856,692.37
La Madera Mine Safeguard Project
Seven different mine sites within the Carson National Forest in Rio Arriba County, approximately 4 miles north of La Madera, containing ten adits, two pits, one shaft, one stope, and two features that had subsided, all of which were dangerous to the public.
Contractor: E&E Excavation, La Madera, NM
Final Cost: $55,398.44
Gold Hill Mine Safeguard Project
Within the Gila National Forest in Grant and Hidalgo Counties approximately 10 miles northeast of Lordsburg, almost entirely on U.S. Forest Service lan, to address 14 different mine sites containing 18 adits, 13 shafts, and four miscellaneous features, all of which were dangerous to the public.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $188,528.08
Lake Valley Mine Safeguard Project – Phase I
Near the ghost town of Lake Valley, 17 miles south of the town of Hillsboro, in Sierra County, on private and public land, to address 42 shafts, 26 pits and 12 adits, all of which were dangerous to the public.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $410,927.33
BOG Canyon Mine Safeguard Project
Northeast of Ruidoso to backfill two mine adits using mine waste; and construct four water bars on the U.S. Forest Service access road.
Contractor: Jack Johnson Excavating Inc., Alto, NM
Final Cost: $4,531.13
Yankee-Vukonich Mine Reclamation Project
East of Raton in Colfax County on public and private land, to address eight coal gob sites, totaling 2.9 acres of gob and adjacent areas.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $549,820.19
Abbe Springs Safeguard Project
Northwest of the Town of Magdalena, in Socorro County, on private land, to address two shafts that were dangerous to the public at large. One shaft was approximately 44′ deep and the other 10′ deep.
Contractor: 4 A’s Contractors, Inc.
Final Cost: $2,380.43
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project – Phase IV
Northeast of Raton on unplatted public and private land within the Maxwell Land Grant, to reclaim and control erosion on two gob piles.
Contractor: C&R Forestry Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $577,809.62
Cerrillos South Mine Safeguard Project
Winner: Office of Surface Mining’s 2004 Western Regional Award
North of Cerrillos, in Santa Fe County, to address 67 shafts, 17 pits, one adit, two trenches and two highwalls, all of which were dangerous to the public.
Contractor: Pioneer Industries Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $670,687.71
Spar Group Mine Safeguard Project
Approximately 10 miles east of Deming on federal and state trust land, to address 17 shafts and four pits, constructing and installing bat cupolas, and seeding of all construction-disturbed areas.
Contractor: J&H Services Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $90,210.98
Real de Dolores Mine Safeguard Project
Winner: Office of Surface Mining‘s National Abandoned Mine Reclamation Award in 2007
South of Cerrillos, in Santa Fe County, to address eight shafts, two adits, two pits, and two open stopes, all of which are dangerous to the public. The project area was on private land in the Ortiz Mine Grant.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $154,913.07
Socorro West Maintenance Project
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Placitas, NM
Final Cost: $25,862.81
Lordsburg-Gore Canyon Mine Safeguard Project
In the Lordsburg area scattered over approximately ten square miles, on private, state and federal land, to address 80 shafts (features greater than 12 feet in depth), 28 prospect pits (features less than or equal to 12 feet in depth), three adits, two stopes, and one shaft/stope combination, all of which were dangerous to the public.
Contractor: Runyan Construction Co., Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $148,616.16
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project – Phase III
Six miles northeast of Raton on unplatted public and private land within the Maxwell Land Grant, to reclaim and control erosion at two large gob piles.
Contractor: C&R Forestry Inc. Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $666,350.54
Orogrande Mine Safeguard Project – Phase I
Northwest of the village of Orogrande, in Otero County on private and public land, to backfill 37 adits and shafts; construct eight bat closures, airflow closures, bat cupolas, and a polyurethane foam plug; and seed all areas disturbed by construction.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $293,736.36
Fluorite Ridge Seeding Project
On private and public land approximately 12 miles northeast of Deming, to backfill subsidences at three mine openings and revegetate all areas in the original safeguarding project in 1998.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Company, Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $22,350.27
Black Copper Maintenance Project
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $2,271.90
Carthage Gob Reclamation Project – Phase III
Nine miles east of San Antonio on private land, to plant seedlings at the gob piles graded and seeded in the Carthage Gob Reclamation Project – Phase II.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $96,342.04
Casamero Lake Coal Mine Reclamation Project
Twelve miles southeast of Crownpoint, to backfill two adits; recontour two adit openings; bury two gob piles; and fertilize, seed, mulch and fence the disturbed areas.
Contractor: Runyan Construction Co., Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $20,031.72
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project – Phase II
Six miles northeast of Raton on unplatted public and private land within the Maxwell Land Grant, to reclaim and control erosion at part of one of the large coal mine waste (gob) piles and at one small gob pile in Sugarite Canyon State Park.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $441,338.01
Gallup-Navajo Coal Mine Fire Project
Cochiti Mine Safeguard Project
On private and public land approximately 10 miles northeast of Cochiti Lake in Sandoval County, to backfill six adits and three shafts; construct bat gate structures at three other mine openings; construct a cable net closure and a fence around a glory hole.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $114,118.52
Madrid Drainage Gob Reclamation Project
Within the town of Madrid, to reclaim nearly one acre of steep, acidic and eroding gob above the Mine Museum and Mine Shaft Tavern.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $99,440.76
Gallup-Heaton Fencing 1999
Gallup Fence & Construction
Final Cost: $1,328.91
Penasco Maintenance Project (Tungsten Mine)
Contractor: Leandro Lopez, Penasco, NM
Final Cost: $372.09
Carthage Gob Reclamation Project – Phase II
Eight to ten miles east of San Antonio, involved earth moving and grading at 17 gob piles and one stock pond.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $478,006.66
Sugarite Gob Reclamation Project – Phase I
About six miles northeast of Raton on unplatted public and private land within the Maxwell Land Grant, to reclaim and control erosion at two coal waste piles in Sugarite Canyon.
Contractor: Lopez Excavation, Penasco, NM
Final Cost: $213,430.32
Philmont Mine Safeguard Project
On private land approximately 20 miles northwest of Cimarron to backfill six adits and five shafts and install structures at four additional adits. Many of the features were not accessible by motorized vehicle.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $43,895.11
Fluorite Ridge Mine Safeguard Project
On private and public land approximately 12 miles northeast of Deming, to safeguard 18 shafts, four adits, 16 open stopes and two trenches.
Contractor: Lopez Excavating, Penasco, NM
Final Cost: $142,140.14
Heaton Maintenance ’98
Contractor: Polich Truckings
Final Cost: $5,097.00
Derry I-25 Mine Safeguard Project
Two miles northeast of Derry, to backfill three shafts, four adits and one pit; restore existing hillside benches and access roads; construct a sedimentation pond; place temporary erosion control measures; and seed, fertilize and mulch disturbed areas.
Contractor: St. Cloud Mining Co., Truth or Consequences, NM
Final Cost: $30,245.04
Rociada Mines Safeguard Project
North of Rociada in San Miguel County, to backfill one pit and one shaft, and construct a rock wall at one adit.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $5,597.48
Carthage Gob Reclamation Project – Phase I
Nine miles east of San Antonio in Socorro County, to reclaim eight gob piles.
Contractor: Clifton Construction, McAlister, NM
Final Cost: $147,771.97
Real de los Cerrillos Project
On private and public land approximately four miles north of Cerrillos in Santa Fe County, to backfill 22 mine openings and construct one bat gate in an adit.
Contractor: Lopez Excavating, Penasco, NM
Awarded Amount: $37,276.88
Final Cost: $38,097.55
Organ 93 Mine Safeguard Project
Locations near Organ in Dona Ana County to backfill 12 shafts, four adits and one open stope, and a corrugated steel pipe with locking manhole grate at one adit.
Contractor: Michael C. Donegan, Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $48,429.32
Carlsbad Mining Prospects Reclamation Project
To backfill seven abandoned mine features, four using heavy equipment and three by hand.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $4,954.44
Turquoise Hills Project
Seven miles south of Santa Fe, to backfill 21 mine features, bat gates at two adits, wrought iron fences at two locations and a chain link fence at one location, cable nets at three locations and a bat compatible closure over one shaft.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Awarded Amount:$109,978.94
Final Cost: $115,578.39
Gage Mine Maintenance Project
Michael C. Donegan Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $6,682.06
La Ventana Coal Reclamation Project
At several sites seven to 15 miles south of Cuba, to excavate, haul, grade and amend (using lime and compost) numerous coal gob piles and several borrow sites, and safeguard several mine openings.
Contractor: Khani Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $107,875.34
La Plata Mines Maintenance Project
La Plata Construction Inc., La Plata, NM
Final Cost: $20,063.47
Madrid Maintenance Project
Eker Brothers, Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $24,428.28
Socorro West Mine Safeguard Project
Winner: Office of Surface Mining’s 1999 Western Regional Award
These mines operated from 1954 into the early 1960s providing manganese for the U.S. government’s Strategic Minerals Program. The project safeguarded 24 mine openings while preserving underground bat habitat. The mine workings provide very important winter hibernaculum and areas for summer nursery colonies for the Townsend’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii). Big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) and Fringed myotis bats (Myotis thysanodes) also use some mine features.
Socorro West post-construction report (16 MB pdf)
Contractor: Triple L Constructors, Dolores, CO
Final Cost: $109,163.54
Water Canyon/San Vicente Mines Safeguard Project
Near Magdalena, to safeguard 24 mine openings.
Contractor: Michael C. Donegan Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $63,262.63
Clum and Foster Mine Maintenance Project
Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $10,197.15
La Petaca Mines Safeguard Project
South of Tres Piedras, to safeguard five shafts and ten adits.
Contractor: Michael C. Donegan Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $25,184.63
Boston Hill Mine Safeguard Project
Near Silver City, to close a subsidence pit and mine opening. Blasting to take down the roof of the mine was unsuccessful. The mine was eventually backfilled with mine waste material. Included in that work were some mine openings that were cable netted as part of the Boston Hill Mine Closure Project in 1989.
Contractor: Blair-Turner Construction, Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $73,013.41
Madrid Reclamation Maintenance Project
Lucero Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $450.00
Boston Hill Maintenance Project
Chava Trucking Company, Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $
Savage Mines Safeguard Project
Between Grants and Farmington, to backfill three adits.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $3,200.00
Placitas Coal Mine Safeguard Project
To safeguard three adits and one subsidence.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $3,918.00
White Signal Mines Safeguard Project
Between Silver City and Lordsburg, to backfill ten mine shafts, safeguarding one shaft with a bat and owl cupola and closing one adit with a bat gate in a rock bulkhead. One waste pile was taken to the Tyrone Mine.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $43,046.28
White Oaks Coal Mines Safeguard Project
Near the town of White Oaks in Lincoln County, to backfill two adits.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $22,644.98
Bonito Lake Mines Safeguard Project
Southeast of Carrizozo, to backfill 20 mine openings and safeguard six others.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $104,152.60
Morgan/La Plata Mines Safeguard Project
E.P.& L. Constructors, Deming, NM
Final Cost: $34,433.75
Hot Spot Mines Safeguard Project
North of Magdalena, to safeguard two mine adit openings and bury gob piles. One adit was safeguarded using a culvert with bat gate.
Contractor: E.P.& L. Constructors, Deming, NM
Final Cost: $24,511.61
Hopewell Mine Safeguard Project
In the north central part of the state at Hopewell Lake, to backfill ten mine openings, four done by hand.
Contractor: Larry Mac Construction, Espanola, NM
Final Cost: $12,469.02
Gage Mine Safeguard Project
Winner: Office of Surface Mining’s 1994 National Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Award
On private land, to safeguard 120 shafts, 18 adits and 26 open stopes, and seed all disturbed areas. Mines within the project area operated from 1880 to 1948 and produced gold, silver, lead, copper, iron and zinc ores.
Contractor: Michael C. Donegan Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $307,327.85
Bayard West Mines Safeguard Project
Contractor: E.P.& L. Constructors, Deming, NM
Final Cost: $10,450.69
Madrid Mines Safeguard Project
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $9,358.88
Stephenson-Bennett Mine Safeguard Project
Near Las Cruces, to safeguard four shafts, six adits and five stopes.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $95,076.48
Riley/Whale Back Mine Safeguard Project
Northwest of Silver City near Gila, to safeguard three adits – one at Riley and two at Whale Back.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $1,920.00
Capitan/Coalora Mines Safeguard Project
Northwest of Silver City near Gila, to safeguard eight adits and five subsidence holes.
Contractor: E.P.& L. Constructors, Deming, NM
Final Cost: $9,456.00
Modoc Mine Safeguard Project
Near Las Cruces, to safeguard eight shafts, five adits, and one winze inside an adit, installat two interpretive signs and close an existing roads.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $58,806.56
Wingate Mine Safeguard and Reclamation Project
Contractor: Michael C. Donegan Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $29,446.67
Sandia Mining District Mine Closure Project
North and south of Albuquerque, to backfill 23 abandoned openings and safeguard six other openings with bat gates.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $53,916.22
Sanchez and Wilkins Mine Safeguard Project
In two locations between Bernalillo and Cuba, to safeguard one shaft and four adits.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $5,222.25
Carthage Mine Safeguard Project
Southeast of San Antonio, to safeguard six shafts, 14 adits and two subsidences.
Contractor: E.P.& L. Constructors, Deming, NM
Final Cost: $68,963.77
Rough Mountain Mine Safeguard Project
Southwest of Corona, to backfill 25 shafts and subsidences, ten adits and one open pit, construct rock bulkhead closures with grated access doors in two adits; polyurethane foam closure in one shaft; chain link fences around three shafts; cable net closure with padlock at one shaft; install galvanized grated cover for a cistern; and close the access road to the Rare Metals Mine.
Contractor: Chava Trucking Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $96,055.25
Grants Uranium Phase II Mine Safeguard Project
To safeguard 11 abandoned uranium mine openings, demolish three steel headframes and one timber loadout, and close 967 boreholes ranging from 4″ to 18″ in diameter.
Contractor: Khani Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $133,810.50
Lordsburg Mine Safeguard Project
To safeguard six abandoned hard rock mine openings.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $18,842.11
Tres Ritos Mine Safeguard Project
Contractor: Paul’s General Contracting, Vadito, NM
Final Cost: $1,115.63
Foster Mine Safeguard Project
Northwest of Silver City near Gila, to safeguard seven abandoned hard rock mine openings, including construction of four bat gates and and two cable nets.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $38,444.20
Clum Mine Safeguard Project
Northwest of Silver City near Gila, to safeguard six abandoned hard rock mine openings, including construction of a bat gate and bat cupola.
Contractor: Michael C. Donegan Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $102,934.25
Coyote/Hagen Mine Closure Project
Near Placitas, to permanently safeguard four abandoned coal mine adits located on private property in the abandoned mining towns of Coyote and Hagen.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $4,193.50
Black Copper Mine Safeguard Project
Contractor: Khani Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $8,393.75
Penasco Mine Safeguard Project
To backfill 24 abandoned mine openings, many by hand.
Contractor: Khani Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $34,676.46
Bayard Mine Safeguard Project
Contractor: E.P.& L. Constructors, Deming, NM
Final Cost: $14,611.75
Boston Hill/Chloride Flats Maintenance Project
Contractor: Falcon Enterprises, Silver City, NM
Final Cost: $1,749.00
Northside Street Maintenance Project
Contractor: Hamilton Bros. Inc., Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $2,400.00
La Posada Mine Closure Project
In the Pecos Canyon east of Santa Fe, to close the entrance of one adit with a masonry wall.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $3,683.00
Jones/Tortugas Mine Backfilling Project
Near Las Cruces, to safeguard two abandoned fluorspar mine sites.
Contractor: Jackson’s Earth Moving, Elephant Butte, NM
Final Cost: $266,768.61
Pecos Coal Mine Closure Project
In the Pecos Canyon east of Santa Fe, to close the entrance of one adit with a masonry wall.
Contractor: Ring Brick Floors, Rio Rancho, NM
Final Cost: $1,949.44
Vermejo Park Ranch-Koehler Erosion Control Project
Contractor: Kirkland Construction Company, Rye, CO
Awarded Amount: $87,565.00
Total Cost: 87,565.00
Amargo/Erler Mine Closure Project
Contractor: Lon Danley General Contractor, Mesilla Park, NM
Final Cost: $18,650.30
Cerrillos-Los Cerrillos Mine Closure Project
South of Santa Fe, to backfill 75 mine openings (71 shafts, 4 adits) and construct a bat gate at the entrance of one adit.
Contractor: Lon Danley General Contractor, Mesilla Park, NM
Awarded Amount: $57,214.95
Final Cost: $66,021.43
Grants Uranium Phase I Project
To reclaim uranium waste piles and close mine entrances.
Contractor: Romero Excavating & Trucking Inc., Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $108,912.93
Van Houten Mine Waste Hauling Project
Contractor: W.M. Serazio Company, Raton, NM
Final Cost: $76,422.03
Catalpa Burning Gob Reclamation Project
Burning gob piles excavated from an area in southern Gallup, and moved to an active open pit coal mine.
Contractor: Fuhs Trucking Equipment Rental, Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $23,186.31
Oscura/Three Rivers Mine Closure Project
South of Carrizozo, to backfill one adit entrance and one shaft.
Contractor: Lon Danley General Contractor, Mesilla Park, NM
Final Cost: $3,888.00
Weaver Maintenance Project
Contractor: Fuhs Trucking Company, Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $356.90
Van Houten Reclamation Project
Contractor: Raton Public Schools, District II, Raton, NM
Final Cost: $4,999.00
Organ Phase II Project
Near the town of Organ, to backfill 17 mine features and install cable net over six mine features.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $26,314.76
Northside Mine Subsidence Abatement Project
Contractor: W.G. Jacques Company, Des Moines, IA
Final Cost: $890,075.91
Boston Hill Mine Closure Project
Near Silver City, to backfill 23 mine openings and safeguard 14 other openings using chain link fence or cable netting.
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $93,744.27
Van Houten Mine Fire Fence Maintenance Project
Contractor: Raton Public Schools, District II, Raton, NM
Final Cost: $4,800.00
Sugarite (B) Mine Reclamation Project
Contractor: Raton Public Schools, District II, Raton, NM
Final Cost: $96,316.00
Gamerco Scale Pits Small Project
Contractor: Worthen Builders Inc., Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $2,889.11
Navajo Allotment Mine Closure Project
Contractor: Lon Danley General Contractor, Mesilla Park, NM
Final Cost: $15,384.51
Coal Mine Closure Project (Sandoval County)
South of Cuba, to backfill 15 mine openings and construct a fence around an adit.
Contractor: Lon Danley General Contractor, Mesilla Park, NM
Final Cost: $54,272.22
Hyde/Wingate Mine Closure Project
Contractor: Lon Danley General Contractor, Mesilla Park, NM
Final Cost: $18,317.49
Mirabal Mine Blasting Project
East of Forest Road 178 at Diener Canyon in the Zuni Mountains, to close three fluorspar mine stope openings using drilling, blasting and earthmoving methods.
Contractor: Lon Danley General Contractor, Mesilla Park, NM
Final Cost: $11,993.71
O’Mara Mine Closure Project
On private land approximately eight miles southwest of Galisteo, to backfill 12 coal mine adits and two shafts as well as various other earthmoving activities.
Contractor: H.N. Green Construction Company, Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $15,384.57
Madrid Maintenance (#40 Mines)
Contractor: Red Rok (sic) Environmental Services, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $2,086.42
Gibson/Heaton Mine Closure Project
Contractor: Farris Mines Inc., Grants, NM
Final Cost: $38,119.43
Van Houten Mine Closure Project
Contractor: H.N. Green Construction Company, Des Moines, NM
Final Cost: $237,425.32
Coal Mine Closures & Reclamation Project (Colfax County)
Contractor: Atwater Construction Company, Raton, NM
Final Cost: $44,805.71
La Ventana Mine Closure Project
Approximately ten miles south of Cuba, to backfill 16 mine adits and fence a highwall, all of which are within one-quarter mile from County Road 11.
Contractor: Farris Mines Inc., Grants, NM
Final Cost: $53,779.32
Mentmore/Catalpa Mine Closure Project
Contractor: Farris Mines Inc., Grants, NM
Final Cost: $44,375.47
Tortugas Mine Closure Project
Near Las Cruces, to install 5,567 square feet of cable net over various mine openings using 145 rock anchors.
Contractor: Earth & Sun Construction Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Final Cost: $62,294.87
Northside Mine Subsidence Study
Contractor: Alan K. Kuhn P.E., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $165,747.00
Vermejo Park Ranch-Koehler PCB Transformer Disposal Project
Approximately 20 miles southwest of Raton.
Contractor: APTUS, Coffeyville, KS
Awarded Amount: $12.444.00
Final Cost:$13,684.00
Koehler Mine Refuse Pile Regrading and Drainage Control Project
Approximately 20 miles southwest of Raton, to reduce slopes, regrade and recontour the site, establish drainage, rechannel a small stream, and revegetate all areas disturbed by construction.
Contractor: D. Bacon Construction, Raton, NM
Final Cost: $442,337.92
Vermejo Park Ranch-Swastika ’87 Project
Contractor: Greg Carlisle Excavation, Cimarron, NM
Awarded Amount:$16,671.60
Final Cost: $18,052.48
Talbot Mine Backfilling Project
Contractor: H.N. Green Construction Company, Des Moines, NM
Final Cost: $29,172.64
Van Houten Mine Fire Fencing Project
Contractor: Valley Fence Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $10,620.69
Mine Adit and Shaft Closures Project at Chloride Flat
Contractor: Versatile Construction Company, Logan, NM
Final Cost: $70,538.87
Investigative Mine Drilling Project at Aztec Shopping Center and Mossman Subdivision
Contractor: Eby Mine Services, Brighton, CO
Final Cost: $110,724.07
Skull Shaft Mine Closure Project
Contractor: Red Owl Marine and Construction Company, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $6,012.77
Mine Backfilling Project Under the Community of Allison
Contractor: Eby Mine Services, Brighton, CO
Final Cost: $201,569.64
Memphis Mine Shaft Closure Project
Contractor: Smith Construction Company, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $13,333.00
Mine Adit, Shaft and Stope Closure Project (Diener Canyon)
Contractor: Gilbert and Sons Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $233,640.31
Highway 32 Mine Closure Project
Contractor: Farris Mines Inc., Grants, NM
Final Cost: $66,606.07
Chiaramonte Mine Reclamation at Gallup
Contractor: Gilbert and Sons Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $25,664.81
Installation of Culverts at Madrid
Contractor: Central Concrete Products Inc., Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $16,979.07
Backfilling under the Northside Community Center
Contractor: CDK Contracting Company, Farmington, NM
Awarded Amount: $749,331.88
Final Cost: $763,645.01
Monero Reclamation
Contractor: Gilbert and Sons Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $200,637.52
Weaver and Grenko Mine Closures and Reclamation around Gallup
Contractor: Worthen Builders Inc., Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $53,739.90
Adit Closure and Reclamation at Sugarite
Contractor: Gilbert and Sons Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $47,512.50
Waterflow Exploratory Drilling and Hazard Abatement
Contractor: Eichman Excavation Inc., Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $80,145.42
Closure of Adits and Shafts Northwest of Madrid
Contractor: Todilto Exploration and Development Corp., Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $245,719.75
Closure of Adits and Shafts Southeast of Madrid
Contractor: Gilbert and Sons Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $120,237.39
Madrid Demolition and Concrete Closures
Contractor: Red Owl Marine and Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $27,085.50
Madrid Exploratory Drilling
Contractor: Farris Mines Inc., Grants, NM
Final Cost: $3,962.50
Allison Exploratory Drilling
Contractor: Stewart Brothers Drilling Company, Grants, NM
Final Cost: $554,552.64
Closure of Adits and Shafts at Monero-Lumberton
Contractor: Gilbert and Sons Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $44,900.00
Demolition and Stabilization of Abandoned Structures at Monero
Contractor: Gilbert and Sons Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $107,800.50
Chiaramonte Mine Closure and Drainage Control
Contractor: Consolidated Constructors, Farmington, NM
Final Cost: $151,104.31
Cathedral School Drilling Project
Contractor: Badger Drilling, Albuquerque, NM
Final Cost: $84,591.00
Madrid Water Tank Roof Mine Hazard Abatement Project
Contractor: Red Owl Marine and Construction, Santa Fe, NM
Final Cost: $18,338.69
Gamerco and Laguna Circle Mine Hazard Abatement
Contractor: Eichman Excavation Inc., Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $260,094.74
Madrid Asbestos Removal Project
Contractor: Keers Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Laguna Circle Project
Contractor: Farris Mines Inc., Grants, NM
Final Cost: $338,899.24
Heaton Canyon/Sky City Exploratory Drilling Project
Contractor: Stewart Brothers Drilling Company, Grants, NM
Final Cost: $60,308.00
Caledonia, Otero and Catalpa-Southwestern Engineering and Construction Work
Contractor: Eichman Excavation and Trenching Company, Gallup, NM
Final Cost: $15,662.78
Closure of Madrid Sites 40, 41, 81, 95 and 96
Contractor: Eby Constructors, Kent, WA
Final Cost: $62,994.00