Forestry and Fuels Grants
Community Wildfire Defense (CWDG) Grants
Purpose: Assist at-risk local communities and Indian Tribes with planning and mitigating against the risk created by wildfire. There are two primary project types for which the grant provides funding: The development and revising of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP), and the implementation of projects described in a CWPP that are less than ten years old.
Who can Apply: Local governments representing communities located in an area with a risk of wildfires, Indian Tribes, Non-profit organizations (including homeowner associations), and State forestry agencies.
Amount: The maximum amount is $250,000 for the creation or updating of a CWPP and $10 million for a project described within a CWPP less than 10 years old.
Match: For proposals to develop or update a CWPP, the required match is 10%. For proposals to plan and/or implement projects described in a CWPP is 25%. Communities meeting the definition of underserved and Indian Tribes may request a match waiver.
Deadline: The FY24 Cycle is now open and will close October 31st, 2023.
How to Apply: Please contact Abigail Plecki ( to start your application process.
Hazardous Fuels Treatments on Non-Federal Lands (NFL) Grants
Purpose: Projects must reduce fire threat to communities that are surrounded by hazardous forest fuels which pose a threat in the event of a wildfire. Outcomes include improving wildfire prevention and suppression, reducing hazardous fuels, and restoring fire-adapted ecosystems.
Who Can Apply: Local governments, tribal governments and political subdivisions of the state (i.e. Soil and Water Conservation Districts). Projects must be in communities adjacent to federal lands where surrounding forest fuels pose a hazard in the event of a wildfire.
Amount: Grant amounts vary up to $400,000
Match: N/A
Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round. To be considered for funds in 2024, submit your application by
May 31st.
How to apply: Complete and follow all instructions on the NFL Grant Application Form.
Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Grants
The Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Competitive Grant Program supports high impact projects that promote collaborative, science-based restoration of priority forest landscapes, leverage public and private resources, and advance priorities identified in a State Forest Action Plan or other restoration strategy.
The objective is to focus competitive LSR funds on activities that address priority areas, challenges and opportunities facing Western lands. Funding for the LSR Competitive Process is made possible through the USDA Forest Service. Work is completed on a variety of land ownership (private, Tribal, local government) to reduce wildfire threat, promote watershed protection and restoration, and prevent the spread of invasive species, insect infestation and disease.
More information is available on the Western Forest Leadership Coalition Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Competitive Grant program website.
Who can Apply: State forestry agencies (or an equivalent state agency), units of local government, federally recognized Indian Tribes, non-profit organizations (defined as a 501(c)(3)), and universities are eligible to receive LSR funding. For-profit entities are not eligible to apply.
Amount: Minimum $25,000, maximum $300,000.
Match: 1:1 non-federal match (cash or in-kind contributions) is required.
Deadline: The FY24 grant process is currently open and the deadline for applications is November 17th, 2023 at 5PM MDT.
How to apply: Please contact Erin McElroy ( to start your application process.
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
Purpose: Projects must reduce fire threat to communities that are surrounded by hazardous forest fuels which pose a threat in the event of a wildfire. Outcomes include improving wildfire prevention and suppression, reducing hazardous fuels, and restoring fire-adapted ecosystems. Eligible project types include hazardous fuels reduction projecs in the WUI, delivery of WUI education programs and materials, and creating and/or updating Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs).
More information, including full grant guidance, is available on the Council of Western State Foresters website.
Who can apply: Eligible Applicants are governmental entities, including tribes and pueblos, which are located within an existing approved CWPP area (unless applying for planning funds) or Forest Action Plan area, and which are surrounded by hazardous forest fuels that pose a threat in the event of a wildland fire. Applicants will work with Forestry Division staff to develop proposals for submission to a competitive federal grant process.
Amount: Up to $300,000.
Match: 1:1 non-federal match (cash or in-kind contributions) is required.
Deadline: Applications opened on October 12, 2023 and will close on January 18, 2024 at 5pm MDT.
How to apply: Please contact Erin McElroy ( to start your application process.