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Urban and Community Forestry

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The Urban and Community Forestry Program

Helping communities develop and sustain healthy community forests

We do this through a variety of services:

  • Technical assistance for the development of local community forestry programs, tree care, training for professionals, planning and outreach efforts, and support of community events;
  • Grant funding for tree planting and support of local urban forestry programs;
  • Coordinating volunteer events and K-12 education opportunities; and
  • Building partnerships and identifying unique funding opportunities that help meet individual community goals.

For more information contact Alyssa O’Brien at

What is a Community Forest?

  • Community forests include all trees, vegetation, and associated natural resources within and around an inhabited area.
  • Community trees include park trees, trees along streets and neighborhoods, and any trees within the wildland-urban interface between communities and adjacent forestlands.
  • Community forests deliver tremendous value to communities and the people that live there.

Benefits of the Community Forest:

Trees are vital to communities. They contribute to:

  • Reduced stormwater runoff
  • Improved air and water quality
  • Increased property values
  • Improved mental and physical health for citizens
  • Increased economic development
  • Reduced energy use

Current Program Offerings

Community Forestry Assistance Grants

There are two exciting grant applications available to assist communities in creating sustainable urban and community forests throughout New Mexico!

Urban Forest Council

Group that advises and assistes NM State Forestry in the development of the Urban Forestry Program ‘s emphasis and priorities.

Group is open for anyone to join and meets quarterly to discuss the state of the Urban Forestry Program.

Meeting Dates: 1/25/24, 4/25/24, 7/25/24, 1024/24

Remote Meeting Info:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 291 883 154 538
Passcode: bQcG9U

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 505-312-4308,,552203093#   United States, Albuquerque

Phone Conference ID: 552 203 093#


Climate Ready Demonstration Sites

Apply to be a Climate Ready Demonstration Site and receive free trees!

Governmental entities such as cities, schools, counties, or non-profits that have public spaces that they own and are open to the public within New Mexico can apply. These sites will provide educational opportunities for the public and allow for observations on how Climate Ready Trees perform under local and regional conditions.

The Climate Ready Trees Program is designed to identify climate-adaptable tree species that can survive current conditions and climatic changes over the next century and introduce these species into our urban landscape.

Using climate modeling, The Nature Conservancy determined future climate zones for New Mexico, then a rigorous review protocol evaluated potential tree species’ adaptability and tolerances to urban and climate conditions. Now demonstration sites are needed to introduce these new species into the urban landscape and to inform both nursery growers and the public about these new species.

  • Read more about Goals & Requirements for being a Climate Ready Demonstration Site.
  • View the Monitoring Form.
  • Tree Species available for Spring 2024: Chinese pistache, Lacebark elm, Ginkgo, Atlas cedar, Osage orange, and Texas red oak.

Tree Inventories

To manage public trees you need to know what you have, where it is, and what condition it is in. A tree inventory helps you do all that and more! It has information on individual tree’s age, condition, and work history which you can combine to analyze your community’s entire tree canopy. you can then identify areas that need trees, plot out planting sites, prioritize tree work, and know the species and age diversity of your community’s trees.

If you are interested in signing up for a FREE account to inventory your trees contact Alyssa O’Brien at

  • View a presentation by Urban Forest Council on Community Forest Inventories

Continuing Community Tree Education Scholarships

We are offering scholarships to provide opportunities to participate in workforce development activities that will ultimately build local capacity to care for community and urban forests. This scholarship covers conference registration fees, training fees, educational materials such as study guides or supplies, and examination fees.

Applications will be accepted year-round and will be reviewed periodically. Awards will be based on the availability of funds and a scoring evaluation performed by a panel of urban forestry professionals.

Match is not required but appreciated.

Completed applications can be returned to Alyssa O’Brien at

Donate to New Mexico Re-Leaf!

New Mexico Re – Leaf is a voluntatry donation program that funds community tree plantings throughout New Mexico.

Arbor Day Programs

Use this resource to learn about the benefits that trees can bring to your community.


Tree City USA


Tree Campus USA

Urban Foresty Resources


Tree Board University

A unique online resource for members of local planning commissions, parks boards, beautification committees, urban forestry commissions, or other local advisory committees that deal with tree issues.

Climate Ready Trees

The Climate Ready Trees Program is designed to identify climate-adaptable tree species that can survive current conditions and climatic changes over the next century and introduce these species into our urban landscape.

Using climate modeling, The Nature Conservancy determined future climate zones for New Mexico, then a rigorous review protocol evaluated potential tree species’ adaptability and tolerances to urban and climate conditions.

Click the link to find out more about Climate Ready Trees.  

For Communities

For Homeowners

Funding Opportunities

These are outside opportunities that could be used to support community forestry projects. NM State Forestry is not involved directly with these grant opportunities. 


South Central Environmental Justice Resource Center 

This is a great resource for grant assistance based out of NM State University. They are available to provide technical assistance and training. 

NRCS Urban Ag and Innovative Production Program – closes April 9th

Inflation Reduction Act Community Change Grants Program | US EPA – closes Nov 21

President Biden Announces Over $5 Billion to Support Rural Communities During Investing in Rural America Event Series | USDA

Climate Pollution Reduction Grants 

FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Direct Technical Assistance (BRIC DTA) 

Forest Action Plan

Urban and Community Forestry is part of larger Forestry Division. In 2020 a plan was created to address key issues in forest and watershed management including urban forestry. Chapter 7 of this plan sets forth the strategies for the urban forestry program in New Mexico.

Plan Smart, Rethinking Green

Use this resource to learn about the benefits that trees can bring to your community.

The Tool Kit

Use this tool kit to learn about the benefits that trees can bring to your community. This resource provides you with information that you need to know, examples of New Mexico Communities getting it done, what you can do, and where you can get help.


Use this evaluation tool to assess your community’s green planning decisions and identify how you can make your community better.

Use these fact sheets to learn how trees impact lives, planning, communiciation, and water use.

Living Smart
Water Smart
Planning Smart
Communicate Smart

Project Desert Canopy

Use this resource to learn about the benefits that trees can bring to your community.

Growing a Healthier Community

The Project Desert Canopy produced community forest assessments in Las Cruces, Albuquerque, El Paso, and Phoenix, AZ that quantified current ecosystem services being provided, including improved air quality, energy conserved, carbon sequestered, and much more.

These assessments helped demonstrate just some of the economic and health benefits realized from our desert southwest urban forests. The data can be used to help develop and implement municipal goals and community forest strategies for New Mexico communities.

Project Brochure

Albuquerque Fact Sheet

Las Cruces Fact Sheet

Urban Forestry Program Partners


Let’s Plant ABQ

The City of Albuquerque Let’s Plant ABQ campaign aims to plant 100,000 trees across the city by 2030 by local individuals and organizations. Learn more about the program and how it could be a model for your community here.


Tree New Mexico


New Mexico Municipal League


Think Trees New Mexico


ISA-Rocky Mountain Chapter


NMSU Cooperative Extension Service


New Mexico Landscape Architects


New Mexico Xeriscape Council

Forest Service LogoFunding for this program is provided by the USDA Forest Service. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.