Corps Member Benefits
YCC Jobs
Go here for a list of current YCC positions and links to other job and career resources.
Service Benefits
Corps members that have worked on YCC projects for at least 48 weeks within a four-year period have a choice of a
- $1,500 voucher good towards educational expenses at New Mexico vocational or academic institution, including online classes. Eligible expenses include tuition, software, computers, room & board on campus, textbooks, software, and classroom or lab supplies. Corps members will be required to submit copies of receipts and proof of payment. The voucher is valid for two years
- $500 cash compensation paid out in one lump-sum payment.
YCC will contact corps members and their project sponsors at the conclusion of every project year in late autumn to inform them of their eligibility and instructions on how to claim their benefit.
Corps Member Survey
Corps members must fill out an online survey at the conclusion of their project. Your project leader can give you the project key you use to sign in. This helps the YCC to track your accumulated time as a corps member that leads to YCC benefits.