Master Cooperative Agreement and Interstate Mutual Aid Agreement
New Mexico Master Cooperative Wildland Fire Management Response Agreement
Wildfire does not stop at a jurisdictional boundaries and federal, state, local, and tribal governments work together to mitigate wildfire impacts. The joint wildfire response activities are governed by a Master Cooperative Wildland Fire Management Response Agreement (WFMR).
The purpose of the WFMR is to document the commitment of the Parties to this Agreement to improve efficiency by facilitating the coordination and exchange of personnel, equipment, supplies, services, and funds among the Parties to this Agreement in sustaining wildland fire management activities, such as prevention, preparedness, communication and education, fuels treatment and hazard mitigation, fire planning, response strategies, tactics and alternatives, suppression, and post-fire rehabilitation.
For Federal Agencies, only, in addition to improving efficiency in addressing wildland fire management activities, this Agreement facilitates improved coordination regarding other incidents. The National Response Framework (NRF) applies to all federal departments and agencies that may be requested to provide assistance or conduct operations during all-hazard events. However, this Agreement ONLY covers all-hazard events that are, or may become, declared as emergencies or major disasters that occur under the auspices of a Presidential Declaration of Emergency or Major Disaster under the Stafford Act, which may include wildland fire management and non-wildland emergencies or major disasters. These events may also require a coordinated response by an appropriate combination of state and tribal entities, along with the Federal Agencies.
The Parties to this Agreement are:
The State of New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division; The United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwest Region 3; The United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Intermountain Region; The United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Southwest Region; The United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Southwest Regional Office and Navajo Regional Office; The United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office; and The United States Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos Field Office (NA-LA).
Interstate Mutual Aid Agreement for Wildland Fire Management Assistance
Between New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division and the following:
The purpose of these Agreements are to provide for mutual assistance in wildland fire incident management. The Agreements facilitate the coordination and direct exchange of personnel, equipment, supplies, and services and the means for both parties to bill each other directly whether resources are ordered through these Agreements or through the standard dispatch procedures.