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Tribal Liaison

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The Forestry Division intends to establish a genuine collaborative partnership with our sovereign constituents through consultation and collaboration regarding potential funding opportunities which promote cross-boundary, landscape-scale forest and watershed restoration, and treatment. The Forestry Division recognizes the valuable resources tribes, nations, and pueblos possess in this regard and accepts tribal natural resource reciprocity, respect to mother Earth and a holistic ecosystem management; all of which align with our collective heritage, scope, and mission.

The Forestry Division provides several resources for tribes, nations, and pueblos which include: 1) potential funding opportunities for collaborative forest and watershed restoration treatment efforts, 2) enlisting forestry and natural resource education, training, and technical assistance including cultural knowledge exchange, 3) serving as a primary point of contact regarding planning, restoration, treatment and management of forests, watersheds and natural resources, in order to coordinate cross boundary management and collaborative project opportunities, which include wildland fire training and prescribed burning opportunities.

For additional information regarding any of our programs or resources for tribes, nations, or pueblos contact the Forestry Division Tribal Liaison via email:

Information regarding the State of New Mexico’s – Tribal Collaboration Act:

Senate Bill 196 signed into law in 2003 created the State Tribal Collaboration Act. This provided an opportunity for all state agencies to develop and implement a policy to promote effective communication and collaboration between state agencies and Indian tribes, nations, and pueblos. It further established a designated tribal liaison for each state agency, serving as a focal point for a state agency and the tribes, nations, and pueblos of New Mexico. The tribal liaison coordinates with the New Mexico Indian Affairs Department and ensures the effective implementation of the intent of the State Tribal Collaboration Act.

Additional information regarding tribal liaisons or the State Tribal Collaboration Act can be found at: Tribal Collaboration | NM Indian Affairs Department