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Wildland Fire Crews

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Wildfire Response Program

The Wildfire Response Program provides civilians with training and work opportunities to fight wildland fires in New Mexico.  Crew members in this program are Administratively Determined firefighters (AD’s), which means they are only called upon or hired during an actual wildland emergency.

Each crew member follows the same qualification and training system as seasonal AD firefighters from any other Forestry Division district across the state.


2024-2025 WRP Training Schedule

2024 Electronic AD Hire Packet

AD Firefighter Nomination Form

What we do

Fighting wildland fires is dynamic and physically demanding work. It is both challenging and deeply rewarding. In this program, you will learn and use vital skills to manage and combat wildland fires.

Who can become a Wildland Firefighter?

To be eligible to participate, you are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Submit a completed AD Hire application.
  • Live within two hours of Santa Fe. While fire emergencies can happen anywhere, participants must report to the program’s headquarters to be dispatched to assignments.
  • Be able to remain on fire assignments for an extended period of time, and be available at short notice (within two hours). Due to the unpredictable nature of wildfire emergencies, involvement is seasonal and does not conform to a set schedule.
  • Have the physical capacity to work for an extended period of time. An example would be working for approximately 16 hours per day for 14 consecutive days.
  • Have the physical capacity to perform duties in steep and/or rugged terrain under adverse weather conditions, while carrying a pack weighing up to 45 pounds.
  • Complete the required training and physical fitness testing yearly.

Map and Directions


Google Maps Location for Mobile Device Navigation

For More Information

Wildfire Response Program
1085 Richards Ave.
Santa Fe, NM 87505

There may also be other opportunities available with the Forestry Division’s six district offices around the state. Click here for contact information.

New Mexico Wildfire Crews

Consisting of the Pecos River and Mimbres crews, these full-time wildfire response crews came on-line in 2024.

We are currently hiring for Administrative Management Officers, Assisstant Superintendents, Squad Leaders, Senior Firefighters and Crew Members.

Positions offer Tier 1- Tier 5 classification, hazard pay, health benefits, pension and more.

Click below to learn more about these positions in detail.


Wildland Firefighter Job Series


FY24 Classified Salary Schedule


To apply for these positions, visit the Join Our Team page.

Pecos River Crew

Christopher Moore, Superintendent

Las Vegas District Office

HC 33, Box 109 #4
Las Vegas, NM 87701
Ph: 505-584-4914


Mimbres Crew

Candice Kutrosky, Superintendent

Socorro District Office

HC 32, Box 2 1701 Enterprise
Socorro, NM 87801

Ph: 575-649-8861