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Join the Forestry Division

The New Mexico Forestry Division is part of the State of New Mexico’s Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department. Headquartered in Santa Fe, the Division has 141 full-time employees working at nine different offices across the state to serve the needs of the public and preserve our natural resources. Our responsibilities include fire suppression on 43 million acres of all non-federal, non-municipal, and non-tribal lands in New Mexico, as well as training and employing approximately 300 emergency wildland firefighters.

Job Openings in Forestry

Click on any link below to apply directly to the position (check back if no positions listed below):

No postings at the moment, check back soon

Job Openings on Wildland Fire Crews

We are hiring full-time firefghters to fill many positions on our new state-led Wildfire Crews based in Las Vegas and Socorro.

No postings at the moment, check back soon


Wildland Firefighter Job Series


FY25 Classified Salary Schedule


Click here for more information about our wildland fire crews and our Wildfire Response Program.

To conduct a general search for positions with EMNRD – click here:

EMNRD Job Opportunities.


Once on the State Personnel Office page, select “Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt” under the Agency tab on the left to filter jobs.

When applying, you’ll be prompted to register on the State Personnel Office website, where you can then submit your application and transcripts.

Please make sure that you have received an email confirmation stating that you have applied successfully. Contact the SPO Career Services Bureau at (505) 476-7759 if you do not receive a confirmation email or have trouble during the application process.

To learn more about how your application is ranked, and to answer other questions, please visit the SPO Employment page.

Note to Veterans and National Guard: In order to receive preference from the State of NM for serving in the National Guard or being honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces, the veteran must meet the eligibility requirements. Click here to learn more about these requirements.

We’re Hoping To Meet You Soon!