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Endangered Plants – Reports

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Reports by Species:

Click the species you are looking for below to jump to its corresponding section.
Tiny white flowers with yellow centers

Acoma Fleabane

(Erigeron acomanus)

Wispy plant with tiny white flowers

Arizona Willow

(Salix arizonica)

Bright purple flowers in dirt

Aztec Gilia

(Aliciella formosa)

Odd looking plant with tiny purple blossoms

Cloudcroft Scorpion-weed

(Phacelia cloudcroftensis)

Spiky plant with yellow tendrils

Gila thistle

(Cirsium gilense)

Grouping of yellow & purple wildflowers

Goodding's Onion

(Allium gooddingii)

Cluster of white wildflowers

Gypsum Townsend's Aster

(Townsendia gypsophila)

Bright yellow blooms with orange center

Heartleaf groundsel

(Packera cardamine)

Wildflower with white bloom against a rock

Hess' fleabane

(Erigeron hessii)

Long dangling fuschia blooms

Holy Ghost Ipomopsis

(Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus)

Yellow wildflower bunch growing in rocks

Ivey's Bladderpod

(Physarvia iveyana)

Tiny ball cactus with pale pink blooms

Knowlton's Cactus

(Pediocactus knowltonii)

Lees Pincushion Cactus

Lee's Pincushion Cactus

(Escobaria sneedii var. leei)

Pale purple blossoms against green backdrop

Leoncita False-Foxglove

(Agalinis calycina)

Wildflower cluster with dark green foliage and purple blooms

Mancos Milkvetch

(Astragalus Humillimus: Fabaceae)

Ball-shaped cactus with profusion of pale yellow blooms

Mesa Verde Cactus

(Sclerocactus mesae-verdae)

Purple blooms on a slender stem

Metcalfe's penstemon

(Penstemon metcalfei)

 Tiny bright red blossoms on slender stems

Mimbres figwort

(Scrophularia macrantha)

Wildflower blossoms set against forest backdrop

Mogollon death camas

(Anticlea mogollonensis)

Tight yellow blossoms on spindly stems

Mogollon Hawkweed

(Hieracium bevipilum)

Bright red blooms on leafy plant

New Mexico stonecrop

(Sedum integrifolium ssp. neomexicanum)

Sunflowers set against a blue sky

Pecos Sunflower

(Helianthus paradoxus)

Fuschia thistle blossom against foliage

Sacramento Mountains Thistle

(Cirsium vinaceum)

Wispy plant with tiny white flowers

Santa Fe Cholla

(Cylindropuntia viridiflora)

Bright yellow blooms on a dark green clump

Sierra Blanca cinquefoil

(Potentilla sierrae-blancae)

Delicate wildflowers clinging to steep rock face

Sierra Blanca cliff daisy

(Ionactic elegans)

Vertical wildflower clump

Sierra Blanca kittentails

(Synthyris oblongifolia)

Spiky plant growing in a fan shape

Sivinski's Scorpionweed

(Phacelia sivinskii)

Plant growing in one vertical stalk

Swale Paintbrush

(Castilleja ornata)

Wildflower clump with star-shaped blooms

Tharp's Bluestar

(Amsonia tharpii)

Scrubby little wildflower

Todilto Stickleaf

(Mentzelia todiltoensis)

Three orange-red blooms in a dry grass environment

Todsen Pennyroyal

(Hedeoma todsenii)

A wildflower with varied foliage

Tufted Sand Verbena

(Abronia bigelovii)

Low-growing dark green foliage

Wooton's alumroot

(Heuchera wootonii)

Large dark green foliage and tiny orange blooms

Wooton's hawthorn

(Crataegus wootoniana)

Tall green thistles against blue sky

Wright's Marsh Thistle

(Cirsium wrightii)

Wispy plant with tiny white flowers

Zuni Fleabane

(Erigeron rhizomatus cronquist)

General Reports:

New Mexico Rare Plant Conservation Strategy, 2017
Cover of PDF
Blue Hole Cienega Nature Preserve, Santa Rosa, New Mexico Groundwater Monitoring Project Final Report FY 2016 - 2017.
Cover of PDF
Priority Conservation Ranking of Federally Listed, State Endangered and other Plant Species of Concern, 2016.
Landscape with grassland, water, and blue sky
Survey and Assessment of Aridland Spring Cienegas in the Southwest Region

Species Specific Reports:

Acoma Fleabane (Erigeron acomanus)

Tiny white blossoms
Erigeron acomanus (Acoma fleabane): Status Report, 2012.

Arizona Willow (Salix arizonica)

Tiny white blossoms
Status Report Arizona Willow (Salix arizonica) Santa Fe and Carson National Forests New Mexico 2021

Aztec Gilia (Aliciella formosa)

A plant with a profusion of tiny purple flowers
Aliciella formosa (Aztec Gilia): Status Report, 2018.

Cloudcroft Scorpion-weed (Phacelia cloudcroftensis)

Odd looking plant with tiny purple blooms
Phacelia cloudcroftensis (Cloudcroft scorpion-weed): Status Report, 2012.

Gila thistle (Cirsium gilense)

Spiky plant with yellow tendrils
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Goodding’s Onion (Allium gooddingii)

Cluster of wild onions
Status Report - Goodding’s Onion (Allium gooddingii), Gila and Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2020
Purple and yellow wildflowers
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.
Closeup of dark purple blooms
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Gypsum Townsend’s Aster (Townsendia gypsophila)

Cluster of wild onions
Status Survey for Gypsum Townsend’s Aster (Townsendia gypsophila), Sivinski's Scorpionweed (Phacelia sivinskii), Todilto Stickleaf, (Mentzelia todiltoensis) and Tufted Sand Verbena (Abronia bigelovii) on Zia Pueblo Lands in Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2016.
Blooming plants close to ground
Survey & Status Report for Rare Gypsophilic Plants in the Ojito/White Mesa Area of Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2015.

Heartleaf groundsel (Packera cardamine)

Bright yellow blossoms
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.
Before and after of fire-damaged forest
Post-fire Status Report: Heartleaf Groundsel (Packera cardamine) and Mogollon Death Camas (Anticlea mogollonensis), New Mexico, 2018.

Hess’ fleabane (Erigeron hessii)

Tiny white flower on a dark green plant
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Holy Ghost Ipomopsis (Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus)

Long string of bright pink blooms
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis) Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 35) 1996 - 2021
Long string of bright pink blooms
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis) - Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 34), 1996 – 2020
A cluster of bright pink wildflowers
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis). Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 33). 1996 – 2019
Closeup of fuschia wildflowers
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis). Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 32). 1996 – 2018
Bright pink blossoms
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis). Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 31). 1996 – 2017.
A cluster of wildflowers next to a path
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis). Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 30). 1996 – 2016.
Bright purple-pink wildflowers
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis). Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 29). 1996 – 2015.
Bright purple-pink wildflowers
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis): Recovery Summary Report, 1996 - 2014.
Fuschia blooms against a forest backdrop
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis): Recovery Summary Report, 2013.
Row of purple-pink blooms along a stem
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis): Recovery Summary Report, 2012.
Closeup of fuschia blossoms
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis): Recovery 2010-2011 Progress Report.

Ivey’s Bladderpod (Physarvia iveyana)

Scrubby wildflowers growing in rocks
Ivey's Bladderpod (Physaria iveyana) - Status Survey and Report, 2014.

Knowlton’s Cactus (Pediocactus knowltonii)

Cactus with pale pink bloom on top
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s Cactus) Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 35, 2021)
Cactus with pale pink bloom on top
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s Cactus) - Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 34, 2020)
Overhead shot of pink cactus blooms
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s Cactus) Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 33, 2019)
Tiny ball cactus with bloom on top
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s Cactus) Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 32, 2018)
Cluster of ball cacti, one with a pink bloom
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s Cactus) Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 31, 2017).
Tiny ball cactus with pale pink blooms
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s Cactus) Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 30, 2016).
Three ball cactus, each with bloom on top
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s Cactus) Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 29, 2015).
Blooming ball cactus on forest floor
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s cactus): Summary Report, 2014.
Ball cactus in dappled sunlight
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s cactus): Summary Report, 2013.
Three cactus blooms peek up from the ground
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s cactus): Summary Report, 2012.
Ball cactus topped with a cheerful pink blossom
Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton’s cactus): 30-year Summary Report, 2011.

Lee’s Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. leei)

Cluster of ball cacti
Lee’s Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. leei) Final 5-Year Post-fire Monitoring Report, 2018.
Cluster of ball cacti, each with a bloom on top
Lee’s Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. leei) Post-fire Monitoring Report, 2017.
Ball cactus growing in rocks with bloom on top
Lee’s Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. leei) Post-fire Monitoring Report, 2016.
Large cluster of blooming ball-shaped cacti
Lee’s Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. leei) Post-fire Monitoring Report, 2015.

Leoncita False-Foxglove (Agalinis calycina)

Green plants about to bloom
Leoncita false-foxglove (Agalinis calycina). Status Report. 2019.
Pale purple wildflower blooms
Agalinis calycina (Leoncita false-foxglove): A Conservation Status Assessment.

Mancos Milkvetch (Astragalus Humillimus: Fabaceae)

Wildflower cluster growing in rocks
30-Year Monitoring Report - Mancos Milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus: Fabaceae), BLM Hogback Area of Critical Environmental Concern, San Juan County, New Mexico, 1990 – 2020.
Purple wildflower clump in rocks
Status Report - Mancos milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus), BLM Hogback ACEC, 2020
Small purple wildflower cluster in rocky landscape
Monitoring report – Mancos milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus), San Juan County, NM, 1990 - 2018.
Purple wildflowers with dark green foliage
Monitoring report – Mancos milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus), San Juan County, NM, 1990 – 2016.
A clump of purple wildflowers
Monitoring report – Mancos milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus), San Juan County, NM, 1990 - 2014.

Mesa Verde Cactus (Sclerocactus mesae-verdae)

Tiny blooming cactus in rocky landscape
Monitoring Report – Mesa Verde cactus (Sclerocactus mesae-verdae) 1986 – 2020
Ball cacti with yellow blooms growing in the dirt
STATUS REPORT MESA VERDE CACTUS (Sclerocactus mesae-verdae) BLM HOGBACK ACEC Waterflow, NM 2020
Ball cactus about to bloom
Monitoring report – Mesa Verde Cactus (Sclerocactus mesae-verdae), 1986 – 2018.
Cluster of ball cacti with pale yellow blooms
30-year monitoring report – Mesa Verde Cactus (Sclerocactus mesae-verdae), 1986 – 2016.
Ball cacti with yellow blooms growing in the dirt
Monitoring report – Mesa Verde Cactus (Sclerocactus mesae-verdae), 1986-2014.

Metcalfe’s penstemon (Penstemon metcalfei)

Purple blooms on a long slender stem
2021 STATUS REPORT Metcalfe’s penstemon (Penstemon metcalfei) Gila National Forest, Black Range
Purple blooms on a long slender stem
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Mimbres figwort (Scrophularia macrantha)

Tiny bright red blossoms on slender stems
2021 Status Report Mimbres Figwort (Scrophularia macrantha) Black Range, Gila National Forest
Tiny bright red blossoms on slender stems
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Mogollon death camas (Anticlea mogollonensis)

Wildflower blossoms on a long stem, trees in background
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.
Before and after of forest fire
Post-fire Status Report: Heartleaf Groundsel (Packera cardamine) and Mogollon Death Camas (Anticlea mogollonensis), New Mexico, 2018.

Mogollon Hawkweed (Hieracium bevipilum)

Tight yellow blossoms on spindly stems
Mogollon hawkweed (Hieracium bevipilum): Status Report, 2009.
Closeup of tiny yellow blooms on slender stems
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

New Mexico stonecrop (Sedum integrifolium ssp. neomexicanum)

Bright red blooms on leafy plant
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Pecos Sunflower (Helianthus paradoxus)

Closeup of bright gold sunflowers
PECOS SUNFLOWER (Helianthus paradoxus) 2013 - 2021 Monitoring Report Blue Hole Ciénega Nature Preserve and Milagro Ciénega Santa Rosa, NM
Closeup of bright gold sunflowers
Ciénega Restoration Santa Rosa, NM Case Studies and Lessons Learned 2006 - 2021
Field of bright gold sunflowers
Pecos sunflower (Helianthus paradoxus), 2013 - 2020 Monitoring Report, Blue Hole Ciénega Nature Preserve, Santa Rosa, NM
Field of sunflowers
Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos Sunflower) 2013 - 2019 Monitoring Report.
Large field of sunflowers
Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos Sunflower) 2013 - 2018 Monitoring Report.
Closeup of bright gold sunflowers
Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos Sunflower) 2013 - 2017 Monitoring Report.

Sacramento Mountains Thistle (Cirsium vinaceum)

Purple-pink bloom against a dark green backdrop
Status Report. Cirsium vinaceum (Sacramento Mountains thistle), 2013.
Tall wildflowers against adobe wall
Status Report. Cirsium vinaceum (Sacramento Mountains thistle), 2008.

Santa Fe cholla (Cylindropuntia viridiflora)

Purple-pink bloom against a dark green backdrop
SANTA FE CHOLLA (Cylindropuntia viridiflora) A Community Conservation Effort 2015 – 2021 Santa Fe, NM

Sierra Blanca cinquefoil (Potentilla sierrae-blancae)

Bright yellow wildflowers in a clump
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Sierra Blanca cliff daisy (Ionactic elegans)

Tiny wildflower clump on steep rock face
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Sierra Blanca kittentails (Synthyris oblongifolia)

vertical wildflower clump
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Sivinski’s Scorpionweed (Phacelia sivinskii)

Fan-shaped wildflower in rocky landscape
Status Survey for Gypsum Townsend’s Aster (Townsendia gypsophila), Sivinski's Scorpionweed (Phacelia sivinskii), Todilto Stickleaf, (Mentzelia todiltoensis) and Tufted Sand Verbena (Abronia bigelovii) on Zia Pueblo Lands in Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2016.
Spiky wildflower against rocky backdrop
Survey & Status Report for Rare Gypsophilic Plants in the Ojito/White Mesa Area of Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2015.

Swale Paintbrush (Castilleja ornata)

Multiple vertical stalks growing in a clump
Swale Paintbrush (Castilleja ornata) - Status Survey Report, 2020
Plant growing in one vertical stalk
Castilleja ornata (Swale Paintbrush) Status Survey Report 2017.

Tharp’s Bluestar (Amsonia tharpii)

White star-shaped blooms on a dark green clump
Status Report.Status survey and report for Tharp’s bluestar (Amsonia tharpii). 2019.
Tiny star-shaped blooms on plant in rocky landscape
Status Report. Amsonia tharpii (Tharp’s bluestar) on State Trust Lands.

Todilto Stickleaf (Mentzelia todiltoensis)

Scrubby wildflower
Status Survey for Gypsum Townsend’s Aster (Townsendia gypsophila), Sivinski's Scorpionweed (Phacelia sivinskii), Todilto Stickleaf, (Mentzelia todiltoensis) and Tufted Sand Verbena (Abronia bigelovii) on Zia Pueblo Lands in Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2016.
Sparse-growing wildflower
Survey & Status Report for Rare Gypsophilic Plants in the Ojito/White Mesa Area of Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2015.

Todsen Pennyroyal (Hedeoma todsenii)

Three bright red blooms growing in brown grass
Todsen pennyroyal (Hedeoma todsenii): Progress Report, 2009.

Tufted Sand Verbena (Abronia bigelovii)

Wildflower with varying foliage
Status Survey for Gypsum Townsend’s Aster (Townsendia gypsophila), Sivinski's Scorpionweed (Phacelia sivinskii), Todilto Stickleaf, (Mentzelia todiltoensis) and Tufted Sand Verbena (Abronia bigelovii) on Zia Pueblo Lands in Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2016.
A wildflower with tiny white blossoms
Survey & Status Report for Rare Gypsophilic Plants in the Ojito/White Mesa Area of Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2015.

Wooton’s alumroot (Heuchera wootonii)

Low-growing dark green foliage
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Wooton’s hawthorn (Crataegus wootoniana)

Large green leaves and small orange flowers
Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016.

Wright’s Marsh Thistle (Cirsium wrightii)

Purple thistle against dark green background
Wright’s Marsh Thistle (Cirsium wrightii) 2017 – 2021 Monitoring Report Blue Hole and Ballpark Ciénegas Santa Rosa, NM
Purple thistle against dark green background
Wright’s Marsh Thistle (Cirsium wrightii), 2017 – 2020 Monitoring Report, Blue Hole and Ballpark Ciénegas, Santa Rosa, NM
Butterflies alighting on a thistle
Cirsium wrightii (Wright’s marsh thistle): 2017-2019 Monitoring Report.
Bright purple thistle against green blurry background
Cirsium wrightii (Wright’s marsh thistle): 2017-2018 Monitoring Report.
Thistles standing tall against bright blue sky
***Cirsium wrightii (Wright’s marsh thistle): A 2012 population assessment.

Zuni Fleabane (Erigeron rhizomatus cronquist)

Wispy plant in dry landscape
2019 Status Report, New Mexico. Zuni fleabane (Erigeron rhizomatus)
Wispy plant with tiny white blossoms
Status report for Zuni fleabane on the Cibola National Forest, New Mexico, 2014.