Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis
In 2020, EMNRD coordinated a study by Colorado State University’s Center for the New Energy Economy (CSU) on New Mexico’s greenhouse gas emissions sources from 2005 to 2030.
The study found that current and proposed policies stemming from EO 2019-003 will reduce emissions significantly by 2030, and that the state will need to take extensive additional action to reach our target of reducing emissions 45% below 2005 levels by 2030.
ECAM’s Climate Bureau is working with the Climate Change Task Force to identify additional policies to reach New Mexico’s ambitious goals.

Source: CSU Emissions Study. Baseline scenario represents policies in place in 2018; Current Policy represents current and pending policies resulting from EO 2019-003 and indicates range of possible effects of oil and gas sector regulation; Mitigation scenario represents level of ambition necessary to approach 2030 emissions reduction goal. For additional detail on policy assumptions, see the report at