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The Radioactive Waste Consultation Task Force

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  3. The Radioactive Waste Consultation Task Force


Meeting Date and
Start Time


10:00 am

This will be a virtual meeting for the public. To attend, click here to register. Public Notice and Agenda Notes and Presentation


8:00 am

This will be a virtual meeting for the public. To attend, click here.


Public Notice and Agenda




3:00 pm

WebEx (see notice for details on joining the meeting, participants must register in advance. Once on the WebEx page click the “register” link to sign up. After you register you will receive an invitation for the meeting through WebEx.) Public Notice and Agenda
10/31/18 Wendell Chino Building, 1220 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM Open Meetings Act Resolution Minutes

The N.M. Radioactive Waste Consultation Task Force (Task Force), sometimes known as the Governor’s WIPP Task Force, is authorized by the Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Act [Section 74-4A-2 through 74-4A-14 NMSA 1978]. The membership is comprised of the Secretaries of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Department of Health, Environment Department, Department of Public Safety, the Department of Transportation, and the State Fire Marshal or their designees. Each department has designated personnel that serve on the WIPP Working Group to coordinate and implement task force activities. The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is funded through the Cooperative Agreement and the Coordinator participates with the WIPP Working Group however, by statute the Department is not part of the Task Force at this time. In addition, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the joint interim legislative Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee, or their representatives, participate as advisory members. The Governor appoints the chair of the Task Force.

The primary duties of the Task Force include negotiating on behalf of the State of New Mexico with the federal government in all areas relating to the siting, licensing, and operation of new federal disposal facilities for high-level, transuranic, and low-level radioactive wastes — e.g., the Department of Energy’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) –; conducting technical and policy analyses of related issues; recommending legislation to implement the State’s policies with respect to new federal disposal facilities; identifying and disseminating information on impacts associated with those disposal facilities; and coordinating any related investigations or studies undertaken by state agencies. The Task Force is also required to meet with the Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee of the New Mexico State Legislature and keep them apprised of all actions taken by the Task Force.

The Cabinet Secretary of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) is the Chair of the Task Force and is the official representative for the Governor on all matters concerning the safe transportation of radioactive waste in New Mexico and all policy issues (other than permitting) pertaining to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). The Secretary also serves as: Co-Chair for the Western Governors’ Association (WGA) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for WIPP Transport, liaison to Western Interstate Energy Board’s High-Level Radioactive Waste Committee, and liaison to the legislative Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee.

The WIPP Program Coordinator provides staff support to the Task Force and is the EMNRD Cabinet Secretary’s designee on all matters concerning the safe transportation of radioactive waste in New Mexico in addition to fiscal oversight of the program. In this capacity, the coordinator is responsible for the management (including planning, development and implementation) of the New Mexico WIPP Transportation Safety Program, the Spent Nuclear Fuel/High Level Waste Program, and the WIPP Working Group. The Coordinator is the liaison to the public on all issues concerning the safe transportation of radioactive waste within New Mexico, and liaison to the Department of Energy on all matters (other than permitting) concerning WIPP.


Role Member Contact

Task Force Members


Melanie A. Kenderdine, Task Force Chair, Cabinet Secretary, Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department

1220 South Saint Francis Drive

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

(505) 476-3200

James Kenney, Cabinet Secretary, N.M. Environment Department

Harold Runnels Building, Rm. 4050
1190 Saint Francis Drive
P.O. Box 26110




Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-6110

(505) 827-2855

Patrick M. Allen,
Cabinet Secretary, N.M. Department of Health

Harold Runnels Building, Rm. 4100
1190 Saint Francis Drive
P.O. Box 26110




Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-6110

(505) 827-2530

Ricky Serna, Cabinet Secretary, N.M. Department of Transportation

1120 Cerrillos Road
P.O. Box 1149




Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1149

(505) 827-5100

Jason Bowie, Cabinet Secretary, N.M. Department of Public Safety

DPS Headquarters
P.O. Box 1628




Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1628

(505) 827-3370

Miguel Aguilar, MG Cabinet Secretary – Interim N.M. Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

13 Bataan Blvd

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502

(505) 476-9600

Josett Monette, Cabinet Secretary, NM Indian Affairs Department

1220 S. Saint Francis Dr

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Stepanie Garcia Richard, State Land Commisioner, NM State Land Office

310 Old Santa Fe

PO BOX 1148

Santa Fe, NM 87501


Non-Voting Member


Randy Varela, State Fire Marshal, N.M. State Fire Marshal’s Office, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management


13 Bataan Blvd

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502

(505) 476-9600

Advisory Members


Senator Jeff Steinborn, Vice Chair

Representative Christine Chandler, Chair

Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee
c/o Legislative Council Service
State Capitol Building, Room 311





Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503

(505) 986-4600

Task Force Program Manager

Eletha Trujillo, Bureau Chief

Hazardous Waste Planning

New Mexico Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department
1220 South Saint Francis Drive





Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

(505) 660-9912

Meeting Date and
Start Time
Information Minutes


3:00 pm

WebEx (see notice for details on joining the meeting, participants must register in advance. Once on the WebEx page click the “register” link to sign up. After you register you will receive an invitation for the meeting through WebEx.) Public Notice and Agenda
10/31/18 Wendell Chino Building, 1220 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM Open Meetings Act Resolution Minutes