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This page contains links to resources and information produced by ECMD that may be useful to New Mexicans.

Solar Market Development Tax Credit Dashboard

EMNRD created this Dashboard to provide regularly updated snapshots of key indicators of the popular Solar Market Development Tax Credit (SMDTC) program for New Mexico residents, the media, legislators and others. The Dashboard is compiled from data collected by EMNRD through the tax credit application process. Only data for approved tax credits are included. The data can be seen as a sample of the distributed solar energy generation being installed throughout the state of New Mexico. 


ECMD periodically sends out news and announcements to interested stakeholders. If you would like to receive this e-newsletter, please sign up here.

ECMD Newsletter December 2022

Geospatial Tools and Data

This page includes links to mapping tools and data resources.

Climate Risk Map

This tool allows users to see how climate hazards, including heat, wildfire, and drought, might affect local communities, and what adaptive capacity exists to respond to emergencies.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis

In 2020, EMNRD coordinated a study by Colorado State University’s Center for the New Energy Economy (CSU) on New Mexico’s greenhouse gas emissions sources from 2005 to 2030. The study found that current and proposed policies stemming from EO 2019-003 will reduce emissions significantly by 2030, and that the state will need to take extensive additional action to reach our target of reducing emissions 45% below 2005 levels by 2030. ECMD’s Sustainability and Resilience Program is working with the Climate Change Task Force to identify additional policies to reach New Mexico’s ambitious goals.

Outreach and Education for Teachers

ECMD is developing curriculum with the goal of enabling the next generation of New Mexicans to recognize and mitigate energy inefficiencies, to understand and adjust their energy consumption behaviors, and to understand the role of renewables in our energy supply. The curriculum aligns with existing state standards and is adaptable to in-school and extended learning situations. This curriculum may also be a way to build momentum across the state for school building energy efficiency upgrades and energy performance contracting tools.

A teacher’s guide to the first unit on Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation can be downloaded from the image below. Check back for a Spanish version, courtesy of our partners at the New Mexico Public Education Department.

Click to Download