ECAM Data and Mapping Tools
Data and Mapping Tools
The Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECAM) collects data pertaining to several tax incentive programs as well as other energy efficiency and clean energy indicators for the State of New Mexico. ECAM is committed to building public-oriented applications that communicate these data in a digestible format.
Solar Market Development Tax Credit Dashboard
EMNRD created this Dashboard to provide regularly updated snapshots of key indicators of the popular Solar Market Development Tax Credit (SMDTC) program for New Mexico residents, the media, legislators and others. The Dashboard is compiled from data collected by EMNRD through the tax credit application process. Only data for approved tax credits are included. The data can be seen as a sample of the distributed solar energy generation being installed throughout the state of New Mexico.
Data Requests
ECAM has curated a subset of SMDTC data to be available upon request. To request this dataset, please fill out the form below.