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EMNRD Website Disclaimer

This website includes information maintained by the State of New Mexico, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (“EMNRD”), as well as links to other sites maintained by other entities, agencies, or third parties, as a public service. 

  • This information and links are provided for the convenience of the website user and do not constitute an official or final repository of such information or data. 
  • The Department is responsible only for the content of its divisions’ home pages and the information that its divisions collect, maintain, and store. While all that information is believed to be accurate and reliable; the Department assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions, appearing on the web site or otherwise. 
  • The Department is also not responsible for third party websites or links and is unable to address the accuracy or timeliness of information provided on such sites, nor does the inclusion of such links constitute an official endorsement or approval by the Department of any such information, data, or third-party organizations.

This site also republishes copies of rules developed, maintained, and implemented by the Department’s divisions. 

  • These copies do not constitute official rules of the State of New Mexico as provided in Sections 14-4-7.1 and 14-4-7.2 NMSA 1978, and may not be correct, complete, or current.

An official copy of a New Mexico rule can be found in the New Mexico Register or by contacting State Rules Division, New Mexico Records Center and Archives, 1205 Camino Carlos Rey, Santa Fe, N.M., 87505, telephone (505) 476-7907, email, or on the web here.