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Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project

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  5. Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project

Summary of Work

The Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project is located between the towns of Dixon and Peñasco in Taos County, New Mexico. The project area (see Figures 1 and 2) is on private land owned by the University of New Mexico in Section 29, Township 23 South, Range 11 East (USGS 7.5’ Trampas Quadrangle).

The project involved the following work:

  • Improving site access control, including widening of an access road near the parking lot, removing steel posts, grading a parking lot fill area and installing a post and chain barrier around the parking lot.
  • Construction of a chain gate across the main access road.
  • Construction of a chain gate across a secondary road.
  • Construction of a hinged swing gate at the parking lot.
  • Backfilling of one mine shaft using mine waste and other nearby material.
  • Construction of a bat gate, with a hinged door, inside a corrugated steel pipe culvert with a grouted rock bulkhead at one adit.
  • Construction of a walk-through bat gate, with a hinged door, at two adits.
  • Construction of a bat gate with a hinged door, at two adits.
  • Construction of a bat grate at one stope and two adits.
  • Construction of a CSP airflow closure at one adit.
  • Installation of a six strand barbed wire fence along a highwall.

Winner of the National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs 2013 Small Construction Award

Demobilization shall be conducted in such a manner to ensure that the Contractor leaves all project areas in as good or better condition than before disturbance.

Specifications, maps and figures are provided below.

Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project Specifications
Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project DIV1-2
Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project DIV 3
Harding Pegmatite Mine Safeguard Project DIV 5

Post-construction Information
Year Completed: 
Project Engineer: John Guranich, P.E.
Project Manager: Raymond Rodarte