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Ute Lake State Park Boating

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  4. Ute Lake State Park Boating

Ute Lake State Park (Click Here for Park Page)

Description: Popular 8,200-acre lake with a shoreline of approximately 45 miles with a maximum depth of 88 feet. Winds for miles through a rocky canyon up the Canadian River and Ute Creek. Noted for Bass tournaments and some of the best walleye fishing in the southwest. Side canyons are popular for overnight on the water camping for houseboaters or cruising boats.

Directions:  Twenty- Three miles north of Tucumcari.  From Albuquerque it is about a three hour drive. Go East on I-40 for 170 miles to Exit 333 and take Highway-US 54 North toward Dalhart for about 23 miles to Logan, New Mexico. Take a left turn in Logan onto NM 540. The main park entrance and boat ramp is found two miles west of Logan on the left side of the road.

Water Sports:

Boating, swimming, waterskiing, jetskiing and fishing. The Canadian River arm makes a great fall trip for lake kayakers since the water is still warmer and power boating has dropped off and fall hunting is restricted from Horseshoe Bend to the San Miguel/Quay County line.

Special Water Events:

American Bass Anglers American Fishing Tour 20 April 08.

Current Conditions:

Ramp and lake conditions

  • Excellent Boating : 3,788.9 feet down to 3,778.0 feet in elevation ( 262,829 acre-feet down to 181,530 acre-feet storage) 8,200 surface acres down to 6,517 surface acres
  • Good Boating : 3,778.0 feet down to 3,775.0 feet in elevation ( 181,530 acre-feet down to 162,695 acre-feet storage) 6,517 surface acres down to 6,040 surface acres
  • Fair to Limited Boating : 3,775 feet down to 3,745.00 feet in elevation ( 162,695 acre-feet down to 43,390 acre-feet storage) 6,040 surface acres down to 2,333 surface acres

This lake drains a very large watershed that impacts water levels for boating quickly.  For example, a set of major rainstorms in northeast New Mexico (on what is known as the geologic formation called the Canadian Shield) will increase runoff to Ute Lake and can raise the lake levels 2-3 feet in the middle of the summer from just one storm event.

Ramps: 5
  • North (Campground Main) Ramp. Accessed from the park main entrance. One (1) concrete ramp with four (4) launching lanes at the North Area Campground. (See special boating restrictions below)
    Top elevation 3,780 Bottom elevation 3,737.8
  • Logan Ramps. Accessed about 3 miles west of the park main entrance from NM 540. Watch out for the 90 degree turn just before reaching the Logan Park State Park Entrance. Two (2) concrete ramps with two (2) launching lanes adjacent to the Logan Park Marina.
    Top elevation 3,760 Bottom elevation 3,754
  • South Dam Ramp. Accessed west from Route 352 found one and one-half miles south of the town of Logan off US 54. One (1) concrete ramp with two (2) launching lanes at the South Area Campground. (See special boating restrictions below)
    Top elevation Bottom elevation
  • North Dam Primitive Launch. Accessed from the park main entrance. Popular with jet ski operators. No ramps or formal ramp. Launching by beach areas a little northwest of the dam. It can require a 4 x 4 to keep from getting stuck. (See special boating restrictions below)
    Top elevation Bottom elevation
  • Mine Canyon Ramp. Accessed from 8 miles south of the town of Logan off US Highway 54. The ramp is off Mine Canyon Road about 5 miles from Highway 54. It is ust north of an old picnic area and south of an area once used for gravel excavation. One (1) concrete ramp with two (2) launching lanes in Mine Canyon. (See special boating restrictions below)
    Top elevation Bottom elevation
Docks: 5
  • One (1) 8’ x 90 ’ Courtesy Dock with Trex decking located at the Logan Park Marina Ramp.
  • One (1) 8’ x 90 ’ Courtesy Dock with Trex decking located at the Logan Park/McFarland Ramp
  • One (1) 8’ x 60’ Courtesy Dock with Trex decking located at the   North Area Ramp
  • One (1) 8’ x 90 ’ Courtesy Dock with Trex decking located adjacent to the South Side Boat Ramp.
  • One (1) 8′ x 90 ‘ Courtesy Dock with Trex decking located at         Mine Canyon Ramp.

BLS, LLC is the marina concessionaire. 

The marina replaces a prior marina which was destroyed in a storm in 2005. The new marina built in 2006 has 45 slips (24 of which are covered), and offers fuel service, a full service store, and slip rental. It will be fully open for the 2007 season.

This addition will increase customer services provided by the marina,

Ute Lake Marina
100 Marina Lane
P.O BOX 654
Logan N.M. 88426


Wind Warning Lights:

Two. One near the boat ramp in the North Area Campground and one near Windy Point Campground

Prevailing Winds:

Typical storms in the summer come from the west and northwest.

Fish Species:

Warm water fishery.  Largemouth and smallmouth bass, bluegill, crappie, walleye, channel catfish and white bass.  Fishing is managed by New Mexico Game and Fish

Hunting Note:

Ute Lake is open seasonally for waterfowl, Virginia Rail and Common Snipe.  Check with annual waterfowl proclamation from the New Mexico Game and Fish.  Area closed is the Canadian River Arm lying between lines running parallel to and 100 feet above the high water mark on each side of the arm and extending from the San Miguel and Quay County line to a posted buoy line across Horseshoe Bend and in Ute Lake State Park

Special Boating Restrictions:

None.  Be aware of swimmers, moored vessels, children by or in the water in Mine Canyon, South Dam, North Dam Primitive and east of the North Ramp Launching and Dock area. All of these areas boaters must observe no-wake speeds for 150′ within the shoreline to protect both persons and property. Violators are cited into court. Docks outside of the ones listed above are private property. 

Boat Servicing:

Nearest is Dinghy Dicks across the street from the park entrance.  Gasoline fillup is temporarily at Logan, a 4-7 mile round trip from the park until the new marina is installed in spring of 2006. The new marina is not scheduled to have a pump-out station.

Recreation Areas Managed By:

New Mexico State Parks. Check the park office and the Topographical map for state owned primitive boat camping areas. Follow Park Regulations for camping out on the water.

Land Information:

Much of the land. docks and beachfronts outside the State Parks areas are privately owned. Please respect private property and do not use these areas without permission.


(505) 487-2284

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