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COVID-19 Response

As workers improving New Mexico’s infrastructure, YCC crews were designated essential in early April 2020. 

Crew sizes were reduced and project sponsors followed best practices to keep corps members, their families and their community safe. Work plans were adjusted to ensure maximum social distancing and many projects were extended over a longer period of time so the same amount of work could be completed with fewer people. All crews followed public health orders as well as any restrictions imposed by their organizations and partner agencies. This allowed YCC to fulfill its core mission of improving New Mexico’s public lands and facilities while employing and training our youth.


New Mexico YCC Best Practices


All Together New Mexico COVID-19 Best Practices for Individuals and Employers


New Mexico COVID19 Information - Main Page

Three people tending a garden of high desert plants

Aldo Leopold Charter School YCC crew keeping their distance masked.

4 standing 6 feet apart each. The middle two people are holding large note pad.

Forest Stewards Guild crew goes through job orientation at a distance.