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Reforestation Program

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Forestry and Fuels Grants

The New Mexico Forestry Division assists with the administration of several U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS) grant programs that protect communities and benefit forest and watershed health across New Mexico.

Hazardous Fuels Treatments on Non-Federal Lands (NFL) Grants

Purpose: Projects must reduce fire threat to communities that are surrounded by hazardous forest fuels which pose a threat in the event of a wildfire. Outcomes include improving wildfire prevention and suppression, reducing hazardous fuels, and restoring fire-adapted ecosystems.

Who Can Apply: Local governments, tribal governments and political subdivisions of the state (i.e. Soil and Water Conservation Districts). Projects must be in communities adjacent to federal lands where surrounding forest fuels pose a hazard in the event of a wildfire.

Amount: Grant amounts vary up to $400,000

Match: N/A

Deadline: Applications are accepted year round. To be considered for funds in 2023, submit your application by April 30th.

How to apply: Complete and follow all instructions on the NFL Grant Application Form.

Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Grants

Coming soon.

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Grants

Coming soon.

Community Wildfire Defense (CWDG) Grants

Coming soon.