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Oasis State Park Fishing

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  4. Oasis State Park Fishing


Description:   In 1971, a one and a half acre pond was added to Oasis State park, and in 1984 the pond was expanded to three acres, enhancing the recreational fishing opportunities provided by the park. The pond bottom is sealed with bentonite clay to minimize seepage loss. Well water is pumped into the pond as necessitated by evaporation and seepage. The park is authorized by the New Mexico Office of State Engineer to pump up to 50 acre-feet per year to maintain the level of the pond, but over the past 5 years the average annual need has only been between 2-4 acre feet. The primary activity at the pond is fishing. Water for all uses at the park is provided by two wells that pump groundwater from the Ogallala aquifer. The domestic well is located on the west side of the park and is 85 feet deep. The well supplying the pond and irrigation system is located near the pond and is approximately 125 feet deep.

Directions: About 15 miles south of Clovis, New Mexico.  Oasis is located approximately six miles northeast of Portales and 18 miles southwest of Clovis via NM Highway 467.


Downloadable Park Map

Water Sports:

Boating and swimming are prohibited because a person wading or swimming could damage the bentonite seal.


Summer catfish and winter trout waters. No trotlines

Boat Ramp:


Boat Docks:
