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Lake Valley Mine Safeguard Project – Phase IV

The Lake Valley Mine Safeguard Project – Phase IV area is located in and around the ghost town of Lake Valley, seventeen miles south of the town of Hillsboro, in Sierra County, New Mexico. The project area (see Figures 1 and 2) is on private land in Sections 20, 21, and 33, of Township 18 South, Range 7 West.

This project involves the following work:

  • Backfilling of one mine opening using mine waste and other nearby material.
  • Construction of a bat gate inside a corrugated steel pipe culvert with a polyurethane foam (PUF) plug at one decline.
  • Construction of an airflow closure with corrugated steel pipe riser inside polyurethane foam (PUF) and concrete plugs and concrete encasement at one shaft.
  • Construction of horizontal bat compatible closures with corrugated steel pipe risers, precast concrete units, concrete collars, and PUF plugs at ten shafts.
  • Construction of bat cupolas at two shafts, one with a polyurethane foam plug, corrugated steel pipe riser, scoria fill, precast concrete units and concrete collar and one with a concrete footing placed on a cast-in-place concrete plug on a PUF plug.
  • Construction of a polyurethane foam plug closure with scoria fill and clay plug at one shaft and a PUF plug at another shaft (as an alternative).
  • Construction of large toroid tire plug closures, with small toroid mats and geotextile mesh and cloth, at one shaft (as an alternative), one decline and two stope openings.
  • Construction of steel mesh airflow closures with rock anchors at four shafts and an underground room.
  • Closure of temporary construction access roads and obliteration of specified existing roads.
  • Seeding of all areas disturbed by construction, including temporary construction access roads and obliterated roads.

At least two bat species use many of the mine features for night roosting, hibernation and maternity activity. These species include Corynorhinus townsendii and Myotis ciliolabrum.

Sealed bid opening:
ITB No. 00-521-00-05159

Low Bidder’s List

DATE:Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 10:30 a.m. MDT

Pre-Bid Geogrid Handout (.pdf)
Pre-Bid Underground Photos (.pdf 5MB)

BID DOCUMENT – Please follow instructions below:

  1. Please READ all information in project manual before submitting a bid.
  2. Upon entering all your data into form do a “SAVE AS” and save into your computer if you wish to save document.
  3. To print click on the FILE tab then arrow down to PRINT.
  4. Sign form and mail to:
    General Services Department
    Purchasing Division
    P.O. Box 6850
    Santa Fe, NM 87502
    (505) 827-0472


NOTE: Administrative questions and/or comments contact: Dina Vigil @ 505.476.3430 or e-mail
Technical questions and/or comments contact: James Smith@ 505.476.3422 or e-mail


You may link to the all Specifications and Maps below.
Project ManualLake Valley Specifications (pdf 3Mb)

Project Drawings

Location information (Figs. 2 through 11) not available to the general public:
Figure 1 (6.7 meg pdf) – Title Sheet Figure 24 – Bat Cupola Details
Figure 2 – Project Sites Figure 25 – Bat Cupola Details
Figures 3 – 10 Site Locations Figure 26 – Bat Gate
Figure 11 – Map Detail near F.049-087S Figure 27 – Steel Mesh Closures
Figure 12 – Steel Mesh Closures Figure 28 – Bat Cupola
Figure 13 – Toroid Plug Closures Figure 29 – Bat Cupola Details
Figure 14 – Horiz. Bat Gate Figure 30 – Horiz. Bat Gate
Figure 15 – Airflow Closure Figure 31 – Horiz. Bat Gate
Figure 16 – Toroid Plug Figure 32 – PUF Plug
Figure 17 – Closure Frame Details Figure 33 – Toroid or PUF Plug
Figure 18 – Horiz. Bat Gate Figure 34 – Horiz. Bat Gate
Figure 19 – Horiz. Bat Gate Figure 35 – Latticework & Hatch Details
Figure 20 – Horiz. Bat Gate Figure 36 – Removable Crossbar Lock Details
Figure 21 – Horiz. Bat Gate Figure 37 – Detail Waterbars & Vehicular Barrier
Figure 22 – Horiz. Bat Gate Figure 38– Shaft Backfill Designs
Figure 23 – Bat Cupola
Post-construction Information
Year Completed:
Project Engineer: John Kretzmann, P.E.
Project Manager: Lloyd Moiola

Relevant Map: General Site Location Map

Sample photos from typical site features

Feature Rattle Snake Shaft

Feature Rattle Snake Shaft

Feature 048-21 Open Cut

Feature 048-21 Open Cut

Feature 048-35 Strieby Shaft

Feature 048-35 Strieby Shaft

Feature 049-87 Shaft

Feature 049-87 Shaft

Feature 050-131 Decline

Feature 050-131 Decline

Feature 052-89 Shaft

Feature 052-89 Shaft

Structure 046-104.1 Underground Room

Structure 046-104.1 Underground Room

Feature 049-21 Decline Opening

Feature 049-21 Decline Opening

Feature 048-35 Strieby Shaft Looking down

Feature 048-35 Strieby Shaft Looking down

Feature 049-87 Shaft looking down

Feature 049-87 Shaft looking down

Feature 051-81 Shaft

Feature 051-81 Shaft

Feature 052-89 Shaft Cover

Feature 052-89 Shaft Cover